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About ColinJoesseppi

No, not the popular Joesepi, COLIN Joesseppi, the one with two more letters.

Anyways, I’m Colin, owner of the channel you’re reading this description on. I’m a lil guy who is 15 Years old and has the balls to actually post on this website for a hobby/job/hobby/job!
Stuff I mainly do here are shitposts, video essays, and gameplay edits, taking after my favorite YouTubers like BUUR and Degenerocity.
You’re likely completely new to my existence, but if that’s the case but slightly less you may recognise me or my roblox avatar from @Aublockz ‘s (my wife’s) videos, and if that’s the case then hello again!

…Aaaand that seems to be just about everything about me! Thanks for reading and happy watching! You’ll regret it! :)

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