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Inspirational by Marie

2,710 subscribers

About Inspirational by Marie

Hello, my name is Marie, I want to help you to reach your full potential and to walk in your purpose through motivation, passion, and a relationship with God and each other.It is a place to Be inspired, Encouraged and Blessed
This is our platform all about spreading and sharing inspiration, motivation, encouragement. If you would like to be part of a community and family you are welcome here.
I was recently featured on MorningFame in regards to Youtube Engagement as I value community. Please check that video out
I believe that everyone has a story and message for us all to grow and learn from that is why I consider and refer to you all my 'inspirations' since I believe you all have life experiences and knowledge that we all can learn from.

I am a Social Worker an Inspirational speaker, advocate for love, kindness, fairness, and justice in society, and I use this platform to uplift and raise. 😊🧡

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