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Vince Palamara

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About Vince Palamara

Vince Palamara is the leading Secret Service expert and is an authority on the Kennedy assassination, as well. Vince has written six books to critical acclaim: the best-selling SURVIVOR'S GUILT: THE SECRET SERVICE AND THE FAILURE TO PROTECT PRESIDENT KENNEDY, JFK: FROM PARKLAND TO BETHESDA, THE NOT-SO-SECRET SERVICE, WHO'S WHO IN THE SECRET SERVICE, HONEST ANSWERS ABOUT THE MURDER OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY: A NEW LOOK AT THE JFK ASSASSINATION and THE PLOT TO KILL PRESIDENT KENNEDY IN CHICAGO. Vince has appeared on C-SPAN (including DVD), The History Channel for THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY (VHS/DVD), Newsmax TV, National Geographic Channel (DVD), and on the documentaries A COUP IN CAMELOT (DVD/ BLU RAY), THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK (2021/UK) and THE MAN BEHIND THE SUIT (DVD). Vince has also appeared in over 180 other author's books. Vince's research materials are stored in The National Archives and the JFK Library.

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