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My2 Loves

6 subscribers

About My2 Loves

I am a proud mother of two great young adults. That’s the reason for my channel name.
However my circumstances are rare and I wanted to share with the YouTube community the injuries that I sustained and which are costing me my life. I do want to note that the content on this channel is graphic and you may find it disturbing. I want to warn you of this so I’m giving full disclosure.
I was intentionally brutalized and tortured at a hospital ER where I have sustained life-threatening injuries for which there is no medication or surgery to provide any relief.
I want my children to know the truth and I also want to make the public aware that this could happen to you.
I have sought legal representation to pursue this matter with formal charges against those involved, however, I have yet to find an attorney that believes enough in the details of what happened to me to take the case. I’m barely holding on, I know that I will have to leave my two lovely babies even though they’re adults.

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