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Still Point

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About Still Point

Coming to you from the sunny shores of Hawaii, I'm your audio recordist, dabbling in the art of making nature sound like a symphony. I tiptoe through diverse locations, holding a net for the most soothing sounds of nature. I am in the business of trading anxiety for tranquility, and insomnia for a ticket to dreamland. So tonight, mute the world and let my black screen rain sounds, as rhythmic as a lullaby, whisk you off to sleep faster than counting sheep!

It's a peculiar job, I admit, but knowing that my compositions tuck tens of thousands into a peaceful sleep brings a smile to my face wider than a Hawaiian rainbow. It's more than an honor to be of service, it's a daily joy. A simple click on LIKE and SUBSCRIBE makes me happier than a seagull with a French fry and supports my mission to spread comfort and rest.

© Still Point 2023 - Just like a coconut, all rights reserved. And remember, if life gets tough, put on your headphones and let me bring the sound of serenity to you!

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