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Hiya! I see you found my page.. Welcome ^^. My name is Bryant. I'm a solo musician out of NC, and this is my band page. Pretty cool huh? As to why it's here.. Most of my life has been... hard. At times, very hard. For most of those times, I was alone. Except for music. Music has always been around. In a lot of ways, music has saved me. Which is where I got the idea for the band name " Life/Line." I feel like we all want to be saved at one point in our life. But we just can't find that one lifeline. I'm hoping something you find here, in some way, helps you. And pulls you out of that deep, dark place where no one can reach. My music taste is varied, and it is probably a bit confusing, haha. So expect some variety. Thanks for reading. And thanks for hanging out!

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