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Alexis Stephan Kuberski

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Información sobre Alexis Stephan Kuberski

P.O. Box 8631 Cedar Rapids NW 52408, Hey the cops are stalking us, now you can too. Not kidding, no joke, these pigs (cops& sheriffs), just kickin it like every bodies cool and shit. If you want to talk to them about how they can spend 3.25 mill on monitoring and surveillance. Come over and say, "HI". If you want to talk to us about how and why they are doing it we'll gladly give an explanation. The only actual other problem than constant code violation is they like to shock everybody on the block, and they aim for the genatalia. We live between two pre-schools and an elementary. They diggin tazin kids.
Been stalked by sheriffs and cops now for 6 years, whatever they believe for interrogation is actually sexual assault. They usually get away with getting off on the weak by playing off that they're schizo. I am now on a path. It ain't fun, but I do enjoy a challenge. Watch your ass, the cops are actually more fag than any inmate.

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