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Ted Bear

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Ted Bearの説明

My thing is mainly capturing images of interest and editing to music. Most tracks of music have some kind of connection in one way or another with the vision sequences.

Drone vision of trains is as much about Tasmania's landscape as about the trains and I hope you are able to watch and absorb videos of interest to you in the highest resolution possible. The drone vision has all been shot in 4k.

The old VHS material has survived quite well considering the fact it has been sitting magnetically stored for all these years. It is being transferred using a Canopus AVDC-300, an old but good piece of kit that allows for some refinement in the transfer process. Initial VHS postings are of very average quality as they are VHS to VHS edits. As time permits, some of these will be digitally edited from original VHS tapes and re posted.

Stacks more to come, both archival and current, both rail and other topics. Check out Roudeep and Jay Aliyev - awesome music producers :-)

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