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I post Geometry Dash content. A showcaser, decent player, well known creator, and ambitious mega collab host. Also known as the Pepe Le Pew GD Player.

I'm the father of one Extreme Demon. IDOL19: 92128198

Would love it if you would consider subscribing.
Discord Tag: .youknowwho2
Owner of TVTeam

- IDOL19 Feature Rated: September 2nd 2023
- 1K subs: February 10th 2024

Notable Collab Parts:
- Rock N Roll (1.9 Ultracollab // Insane Demon) By: ItsGreat
- Flamewall (Top 1 Megacollab // Extreme Demon) By: Valentine / Narwall
- Collapse (Official Breakout Sequel // Extreme Demon) By: Surv / FweFwe
- Advanced Airflow X (Chaoz Airflow Remake // Extreme Demon) By: Dosh7t / LSunix

Banner By: @Karthik567

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