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Gamma Yin

2 購読者を
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Gamma Yinの説明

This channel is created in hopes that we can change the negatives that plague our world: date stamp August 2022.

Ecosystem Negatives include:
Disappearance of species that are needed for balance in our ecosystem
Climate change
Soil depletion
Fewer varieties of food crops grown
Increased catastrophic fire danger in dry areas worldwide

Social Negatives include:
Diminishment of the Middle Class
Polarized groups in the USA hating and fighting each other
Increasing homelessness worldwide
Younger generations with decreased lifespans
Increasing obesity and morbidity

This channel is a simple appeal to you because understanding the problems, cheerful cooperation and assistance if, when and where you easily can help out is what we can do. Turning world negatives into positives by making simple changes in our personal lives can be fun, rewarding and effective accomplishments. Thank you!

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