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Conscious Co

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Conscious Coの説明

Values investing isn't just for the stock market. Learn how I evaluate cryptocurrency from a values-based perspective. I'm not an investment professional by any means, so this is just the method I've come up with that works for me. I'm also a very spiritual person, and sometimes there is an element to my decisions that is purely that, such as a symbol for a coin being shown to me in a dream.

If that's a little too woo-woo for you, this probably isn't the channel for you. And no worries, because seriously, there are A LOT of crypto channels out there! In the end it's about matching with those presenters with whom you share a worldview so that you can joyfully take this journey of learning together.

I believe that we can decouple a person's value to the commercial markets from their value as a person. Crypto investing may just be one of the clearest and most readily accessible paths to that for many of us. Let's dare to invest in the future we want to live.

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