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Pinoy Plantito

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Pinoy Plantitoの説明

Hi my name is Ranil Guarino I am a tour guide turned plantito (plant enthusiast in English) because the tourism industry was one of the most affected during the pandemic.

My videos are all about garden & home improvement and makeovers, plantravelling, plant care, garden design and landscaping tutorials.

I am a Pinoy Plantito from Palawan, Philippines (hahaha) with a tropical garden of over a thousand tropical plants and a penchant for vertical gardens. I have done a lot of makeovers in my own Amazon in my urban jungle called the TROPISCAPE which i would love to share with all of you . Since I live in the city and has a house and garden measuring only 80 sq. meters, I am also an advocate for wise and effecient use of space.

Together let's put a touch of magic in our living spaces.

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