Survival Under Atomic Attack

Explains the dangers of the atomic bomb, the effects of radiation and what the individual should do to protect himself if caught in the open or in his home.Booklet of the same name available HERE (link)
06:49:17:11 CU woman gives baleful look up from clothesline at clouds; CU man gives ominous, fearful look up at clouds; great shot of nimbus clouds from airplane. Audio track: “Let us face without panic the reality of our times. The fact that atom bombs may someday be dropped on our cities. And let us prepare for survival by understanding the weapon that threatens us.”

06:49:28:24 Aerial shot of atomic bomb explosion. 

06:49:37:17 VS aftermath of atomic bomb explosion in Japan; devastated buildings, fires, debris. 

06:50:08:25 Atomic bomb explosion.

06:50:28:02 VS stock footage of Japanese medics treating victims of A-bomb blast. 

06:51:27:07 1940s man and woman seated on couch; man carefully reads pamphlet and smokes cigarette, woman sits beside hand on cheek looks worried; MS cultured looking man wearing suit and glasses showing woman something in a pamphlet; CU pamphlet titled “Survival Under Atomic Attack.”

06:52:47:27 Young couple and woman holding her child in her arms read sign on wall “Notice To All Tenants.”

06:52:55:22 VS CU bomb shelter signs; Public Shelter, Shelter Zone; crowd of people walking through doorway with Shelter sign posted above.

06:53:25:07 CU disembodied hand opens dresser drawer and removes flashlight, turns it on and points light into drawer. 

06:53:29:22 Woman enters bathroom and opens medicine cabinet; CU woman grabs first aid kit; CU disembodied hand places bottle of water GE refrigerator. 

06:53:40:06 CU 1940s portable radio. 

06:53:50:12 CU little boy about six years old dressed as a cowboy with a gun holster brings metal object to his mother; CU father smiles lovingly; Mother kisses little boy and little boy smiles and looks into camera. 

06:54:06:05 Cute little boy dressed in cowboy hat hides behind rocks facing camera; boy hears noise and looks up and off into distance.

06:54:08:07 1940s family in living room, father smokes pipe and reads paper, little girl plays with doll, mother reads magazine, all appear to suddenly hear a sound and look off to right of frame; CU father wearing glasses expressionless looks off to right of frame; CU brunette woman with worried eyes looks off to left of frame; CU brunette girl about five years old quickly turns head; LS family stands up at once, father checks his watch; Man closes blinds and curtains.

06:54:30:06 Woman hurries into kitchen; CU disembodied woman’s hand turns off stove burners; woman reaches for plug in outlet; CU disembodied woman’s hand removes plug from outlet.

06:54:56:02 CU disembodied man’s hand checks lock on door, making sure door is unlocked. 

06:55:01:19 CU woman opens back of gas or oil burner and turns it off. 

06:55:17:01 Little boy dressed as cowboy with dangling gun holster runs down steps into cellar clutching a pillow, and lies down follow by his sister mother and father. 

06:55:28:24 CU wristwatch reads 11:55.

06:55:31:08 Old-fashioned street clock reads 11:55, camera pans down to man to man walking down city sidewalk; screen flashes, man looks panicked, looks around, dives into doorway; MS man panicked looks around then dives onto street along curb and throws his jacket over his head. Man huddled in doorway closely avoids flying debris and glass; man lying on street covering head is covered by falling debris. 

06:56:00:19 Woman sets table as man reads newspaper and woman seated in chair knits; suddenly light flashes and everyone drops to the ground; CU woman huddles behind chair; CU window explodes; CU debris from ceiling smashes onto dinner table; camera pans back, shows room in ruins and people huddled on floor. 

06:56:26:09 Bright atomic bomb explosion, followed by black cloud. 

06:56:50:08 Tow men in white radiation suits survey roof of demolished house with Geiger counter; CU Geiger counter,.

06:57:02:14 MS woman tuning large radio with great focus. 

06:57:06:00 Father in white undershirt thoroughly washes boy’s hair with soap in bathroom sink; man is reflected in bathroom mirror; camera zooms to CU boy’s soapy head and father’s hands washing him. 

06:57:21:29 CU pamphlet in man’s hand “Survival Under Atomic Attack”; MS cultured looking man in suit smoking a cigarette pointing out item in pamphlet for attractive woman wearing a scarf seated beside him.This archival scan was produced by the Internet Archive from a vintage 16mm print.Film print generously donated by The Mineral County Museum, Hawthorne, Nevada, USA.