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Curly of The Three Stooges grandson Bradley Server (aka Curly G) co-stars in Exorcism at 60,000 Feet

Publicado 2023-06-12
CURLY G is a chip off the ol’ Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk
featured in Exorcism at 60,000 Feet
Now streaming everywjere and on Blu-Ray/DVD combo

Bradley Server (aka Curly G) the grandson of Curly Howard of The Three Stooges, has heard his calling and is co-starring in the Girls and Corpses Presents film of Exorcism at 60,000 Feet being released May 5th from Shout/ScreamFactory in which Server plays a deaf and mute passenger who must survive a series of Satanic possessions on the doomed aircraft. Also, starring in the film are: Lance Henriksen, Adrienne Barbeau. Bai Ling. Matthew Moy, Robert Miano, Kevin J, O’Connor, Kelli Maroney and Robert Rhine.

Producer, writer Robert Rhine explains, “I first cast Curly G (aka Brad Server) in Cynthia (Lionsgate/Indican) in his first film role. Curly recalls, “I was a postal carrier had to deliver a package but I get buzzed by a low flying drone and I do a flip on the front lawn of a house. The director had me do like fifty takes, I think for their own amusement. But I loved working on the film and wanted to do more.”

Producer Rhine continues, “After Cynthia I started writing the script for Exorcism at 60,000 Feet (with my writing partner Daniel Benton) and immediately thought of the role of the deaf mute for Curly G.”
Curly G adds, “I got a text from Robert Rhine 6 months after filming Cynthia saying, “I have another acting gig for you if you’re interested on another role in a Girls & Corpses feature.” Curly adds, "Well once Robert told me my character, I was certainly not saying anything except yes to the part. You see I was cast as the deaf mute in Corpsys new feature Exorcism at 60,000 Feet… I remember after reading the script (my 1st ) I thought man Corpsy may be more twisted then me. Then I thought about in again and was sure of it. All I can say is Wow. This is one crazy film and what a blast it was being part of. I met so many great talented people. Plus most of the same crew from Cynthia so I felt very much at home. To this day I ask Robert If I will ever get a speaking role in one of his films. His response usually is “Don’t count on it!” Man I love this guy!!!

Curly G explains how he found out he was Curly’s grandson when he was 12, “One day, when my brother was twelve he was in the car driving home from seeing the play Fiddler on the Roof, and he was so inspired he declared he wanted to be an actor. My grandmother casually said, “Oh, your real grandfather (as she had re-married) was an actor.” My brother was stunned and said, “Really who?” She replied, “Oh, Curly from The Three Stooges.”

Next up, Curly G has a role in the Girls and Corpses Production of Escape From Area 51. Due for release winter of 2020.

Exorcism at 60,000 Feet with an all star iconic cast is now on Blu-Ray/DVD combo and will be released on digital to OnDemand, ITunes, Amazon, Vudu, Fandango, Comcast, Spectrum, Googleplay and others on May 5th! #GirlsandCorpses #ScreamFactory
Scream Factory #Exorcismonaplane #Exorcistonaplane #Horrormovie