Phantom Mansion: Red

Publicado 2007-10-05

08/10 12:15 - New version sorting the problems with the Story and Quit buttons. Note for those concerned about having to replay the game, progress is auto stored on completion of a level. Thanks for the front page!

Controls: Cursor keys to move Hector, space brings up the options.

Phantom Mansion: The Red Chamber has you controlling Hector the Spectre Detector through the first chamber of the Mansion. Hector must make his way through 22 levels filled with devilishly good puzzles using crates, switches and keys to retrieve all the skulls from the chamber, but he must also avoid collapsing floors, zombies, skeletons, curses and the void. Phantom Mansion: The Red Chamber is the first of the Phantom Mansion games, with 7 more parts to come!