Romeo and Juliet in Song

Published 2008-04-02

Youtube link (Audio Credits are Here): tch?v=pDym3Igy4yY
If you've read Romeo and Juliet (preferable recently), then you're actually going to UNDERSTAND this!
If you haven't, feel free to pretend you understand what's going on in this crazy flash!
Also, a few fun facts:
I made this movie from 4 Pm to 3 Am (Not nonstop) one day, and it's a whole 3590 frames (150 seconds)!

Oh, I guess only one fun fact...
Anyways, I made this for a school event. It's Romeo and Juliet summarized by bits of songs sung by characters in the play. Everyone liked it, to my semi-surprise. The rest is history!
This isn't really one of my better movies. In fact, I took out the Slick Productions out of it completely!
So please vote fairly. I think this is a good movie if you've read Romeo and Juliet, so if you haven't, try to vote up JUST a little... then read/watch the book/movie (Feel free to mix and match those choices) and maybe things'll be a bit more clear?
Have I already said too much? I usually do that.... >_>
Enjoy the movie!