Cat Burglar & The Magic Museum

Publicado 2021-03-01


Made for the Newgrounds Ruffle jam!

The concept for Cat Burglar came from a prototype I made in 2011 for the FGL Game Jam with the theme: “Greed”.

Over the years I remade the game from scratch maybe 6 times, always feeling like the game just wasn’t fun enough before eventually giving up on it. But with a lot of encouragement this time through users from Newgrounds and Reddit, I really felt good about continuing.

Finally “Cat Burglar” is finished! Remade from scratch for the last time.

Authors Note

Woohoo! Finally done! Had a lot of fun making it, I hope everyone enjoys the game. There were a few things that didn't get implemented in time but overall I'm really happy with how everything turned out.

Be sure to leave a review and if you especially enjoyed the game please consider donating!

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File Size

9 MB


[BUG] Fixed 2 bugs related to contracts not resetting

[BUG] Disabled right-click in Flash Player

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