Agaria Teaser

A lone mushroom huntress traverses the forbidden landscapes in order to retrieve a mysterious golden orb, only to uncover...

Worked on this with a few pals over the course of 6-8 weeks for a 'World Builders' assignment for college, which involved creating a short cinematic trailer through visual development.

However, while we did create a rough synopsis and environment, it was purely for this trailer and, as of now, we have no plans on developing this concept further at this stage, as we have moved on to other projects in the lead-up to the end of this course (it's thesis film time, baby!!!)

Maybe sometime in the near future, we'll return to this concept with more time and people to help bring this to fruition, but for now, we hope you all enjoy what we made regardless!


Alyssa P (a.rice.a) - background art, animatic and compositing

Quynh N (quinie.h.n) - character designs and rough animation

Ryan K (RGP) - clean-up + additional animation, robot art and sound design

Everyone - storyboards and visual development

And special thanks to Reza for giving us feedback throughout the project!
