Bondi's Heaps of Air

Publicado 2022-08-14

Ready to tackle endless waves and get high with lots of air? Bondi’s certainly ready in this new mobile game, Bondi’s Heaps of Air! Tilt that phone side to side to get that sweet angle so you can rocket that flight board into the sky! It’s gonna keep getting faster, so be ready to fly!

PROTIP: Give the game a few seconds to save a high score and don't quit immediately. You don't want to lose your bragging rights!

Controls: With your smartphone or tablet facing you, turn it like a steering wheel to tilt Bondi back and forth and get lots of hang time! Be careful though, Bondi's angle can't be too far off from the waves she's riding especially when she lands.


Program: harry_lime

Music: Dry

Art: Kittyhawk

Bando's Bug Busters: @pktlonewolf, @TFcommando, Cow, beep

Thanks so much to @Stepford and the donors for putting on the Newgrounds Mobile Game Jam. We were waiting in anticipation for this one for a while!
