Halloween Horrors


Swipe/Hit: X, V, M (X on gamepad)

Jump: Up Arrow, Z, C, N (A on gamepad)

Left - Right: Left Arrow - Right Arrow

Drop down: Down Arrow

Swipe/Hit: Q (X on gamepad)

Jump: E, Tab, W (A on gamepad)

Left - Right: A - D

Drop down: S

(These are the usual PICO-8 controls)

Menu: P, Enter, Esc

From the menu you can toggle the music and the storm - this stops the lightning flashes.

If you like this game, find a problem or have any suggestions then please comment below.

Please consider trying my other games or following me for news on new projects. Particularly, you might enjoy Demystifying the Christmas Tree, an earlier game where Frankie and Philly make a mess at a different time of the year.

And watch out for the kittens returning in the future...

Game programming, art: Drake Blue Games

Music: Modest Mussorgsky and Tim Follin arr. Drake Blue Games