Color Cookie (Animated short)

I present a Valentine's day special from the animator who has never had the courage to draw 2 characters hugging. Go though my old stuff, I promise it's true.

I'm not sure if you guys are gonna like this. I mean I wasn't sure with my last short Lone Wolf but the scratch community likes wolfs so I figured it would at least go ok. Please put your feedback in comments. I can't tell if its bad or I've just watched it too many times.

I got super lucky with the music on this. I just tossed the first music I had onto this and tossed it out.

Side note, I think this counts as attempted murder for all those who cant handle eye bleed colors.

My new slogin is reduce, reuse, recycle. I recycled so much animation for this.

Another side note, it's 2:30 AM as I'm finishing this.

What is this based on?
2 commercials, a drawing and a need to feel like I'm doing something.

Why is the animation bad near the end?
All the bits from the first minute on were done in one night. Also I'm
kind of dizzy.

Edit: I cannot believe how well this has been received! I'm super glad you guys enjoyed it and still am in awe of getting featured! Too all of you leaving nice heartfelt comments below, I'm going to try to respond to as many as I can but I also want to work on new stuff. Just know I normally work on this stuff for around a month and plan a lot of it out beforehand (I get off track pretty easily too). I already have ideas for 3 other shorts but I want to take the time to improve before I bother doing another short.