Tfarcenim [1.0]

Publicado 2012-01-15
0.1: added character, mouse locks to grid
0.2: Added HUD
0.3: Added block placement and destruction.
0.4: Added title
0.5: Added ffinite placing/getting, better title
0.6: Added crafting table and basic crafting, textures for tools and some mobs.
0.7: Added tools
1.0: Skipped other unimportant updates to release
Tfarcenim is released! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE love it for the children, plus I worked very hard on it.
There will be more updates, with weather, mobs, and time.
Arrow keys or WASD to move, Z and C to change what tool you're holding, Q and E to change what block you're holding, If you're holding the hand, you destroy a block, otherwise you place when you click. Using tools increases your chance of getting a double drop.
To craft, place your crafting table down and then press "r" with your mouse hovering over it. 1 thing plus something else is something, though logs + nothing is planks.
Crafting guide: coming soon!
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