
Cyborg II -
Music- "Action Menu Loop" by PeterSatera @ Newgrounds

UPDATE 5 - Fine tuned a few little things, game should now be a little bit easier.

UPDATE 4 - Reinforcements have arrived, and they brought along new stuff! Unlock 4 new armour-mods that give you cool boosts to your abilities and add new ones! theres also sound now! and a failsafe for that annoying freeze/infinite scroll bug.

UPDATE 3 - Added 6 new armour sets, 2 new maps, modified the menu a little bit and added enemies with health and enemies that shoot back! Im working on sound now!

UPDATE 2 - changed some visuals, added 3 challenges that can be completed for bonus xp. More coming soon.

UPDATE 1 - Fixed alot of bugs, added a NEW GAME + option which unlocks more weapons and armour. Added story button, added scrolling background.

*if there is no sound it is because it is muted.

Inspired by HALO