S&C ep1 - gatlink

S&C episode 1 | days: 1 / 8:00

let's start with confusion, and question


the series was imagined and directed by @ -ABIC-

the series is in collaboration with several scratchers available, more details can be seen from this studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25624935/

this episode featured @Gatlink

the OCs shown in the episode are not all by me, some are made by other authors who sent it by this studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25624935/

script of the episode written by @-ABIC- and edited by @Gatlink

the voices in this episode belong to @GoldenEagleStudios @WaveTV and @--Tumbled--

pretty much all the sounds come from youtube

the visual concept of crystals was imagined and designed by @Mytheral_TV


you have the right to make a wiki, share videos on youtube, or anything related to this series, but be sure to show it to me directly and to set the copyright precisely

if you see something that seems to be inspired by other series it is just not on purpose, this series has nothing to do with other series shared long after i made the history of scratch and chronology

#stories #animation #Scratch&Chronology #art #collaboration