Quarantine DTA [CLOSED]

September 23rd


- You don't have to tell me you enter to do so, just remix with your entry it'll be fine ^^
- Please stick to the designs as close as possible, at least just for the DTA. If you win, you can make all the changes you'd like since it's now yours.
- When deciding which ones you'd like to enter for, keep in mind that simple ≠ bad/cheap/whatever! Simplier designs can serve better for purposes such as animation, comics... (pretty much anything where you need to draw the character several times whitout spending 10 years on it haha)
- You can choose wheter or not to draw them as anthros/humans, I don't mind, as long as the design is still recognizable.
- Bios/backstories are not necesseray, but welcome!
- Be creative! as long as you include a drawing of the adopt it's fine, so animation is okay too!
- They don't have assigned genders, you can choose one for them yourself if you want :>
- You can enter for as many adopts as you want, but only can win one (to keep it fair).