Audrey's Birthday Bash

Rats, rats, we are the rats, celebrating yet another birthday bash. [Audrey] it's your birthday today. Cake and ice cream is on its way. And [Audrey] you've been a good [girl] this year. Open up your gifts while we all cheer.

It's my wife's birthday today. Because of quarantine, I couldn't throw her a real birthday party, so I made her a virtual one instead.

#VirtualParty #HappyBirthday #Birthday #VirtualBirthday #AnthonySullivan #GordonRamsay #Shrek #HowieMandel #PhilSwift #YusukeKitagawa #Mama #MamaSasquatch #Junior #BallGuy #KFCguy #ColonelSanders #RonaldMcDonald #BurgerKing #TheKing #Fiercerat #Trappedrat #Brother1 #Brother2 #Carlos #Laterguys #Syugretal #GiantRat #Eagleman #Seven #Grandpa #UpsideDownMan #PartyCity #RantaroAmami