⚒ Josie ⚒

⚒ Josie ⚒
⚒ ToyHouse: https://toyhou.se/7119694.-josie- ⚒
⚒ Previous bio: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/236419715/ ⚒

⚒ Personality ⚒
Josie is a jealous, high-strung, dedicated Pokemon. Rare is the occasion she takes 'no' or 'get off my property' for an answer! She dislikes long, five-dollar words because she feels like it means the other Pokemon is attempting to either annoy her, or best her at speaking. And Josie is only moderate at speaking. She also loves attention, which is a great way of getting her to do something that you want her to do.
Josie is, again, a very jealous Pokemon; being an artisan, she takes the value of her work very seriously. That means that if she finds someone who does something better than her- she will become annoyed. Most likely, she will just become aloof and uninterested- but other times, she will get angry, and snap back at the other Pokemon. Or steal from them. She is not above stealing. Do not annoy the dog if you do not want to get stolen from. Josie will acgnowledge the other Pokemon's skill if she believes she can learn something new from them, of course; she is a curious wolfdog-like Pokemon, after all. And curiosity only kills cats.
Josie is also a very adamant Pokemon. Once she has set her mind on something, it would take all the persuasion in the universe to stop her. She is impulsive as well, and may do things like creating new blueprints to suddenly deciding she wants to visit the volcanoes at the drop of a hat. Sometimes, wanderlust merely calls.
But, Josie is a very skilled craftswoman; between her dexterous paws, firey breath and years of learning from the best, she has gotten rather good at what she does. She is a carpenter by trade, but if one can accomplish a task by hand, Josie is most likely able to do it!

⚒ Backstory ⚒
It is unknown when Josie was born, but on February the first, Josie was found left on Maynard Dunkelbauer's porch. After asking the little hybrid for her name (she did not have one) and where her parents were (she did not know what he meant), Maynard realized that Josie must have been abandoned on his doorstep. Begrudgingly, he took the little pup in, and named her Josephine.
At first, Josephine and Maynard got along like oil and water: Maynard was an exhausted loner by nature who only put up with Pokemon on the Nennabrev because he could not tend the Orchard by himself, meanwhile Josephine was a high-strung puppy who required constant attention. Josephine would gnaw on the wood, and Maynard would simply try to ignore it. After a while, the duo struck up a deal: Josephine would stop ruining Maynard's house, as long as Maynard spent more time with her. The agreement was unanimous, and things went more smoothly from there. However, every so often, Maynard would take 'business trips' that Josephine was not allowed on, which annoyed her.
Josephine began helping Maynard and the paid workers around the Nennabrev Orchard. While Maynard insisted she did not need to- she insisted she DID, and that was final. She was actually rather good at it, too, with her long legs to reach the berries, and her strength, and her hole-digging abilities. She became a great asset to the Nennabrev.
Until- things changed. For the worse.
One day, Josephine followed Maynard on one of his 'business trips' through the forest- and saw him first conjure, and then enter, a dark portal.
It was in that moment that Josephine realized: Maynard was a dark Pokemon.
Josephine had heard bad things about dark Pokemon from the Pokemon in Brightkeep: they were cruel, aggressive Pokemon who hated light Pokemon! Did- did that mean that Maynard hated her? No! Or- did he?
Josephine raced back home immediately, packed up her belongings, and immediately left the Nennabrev Orchard, swearing never to return. What if Maynard had been trying to turn her into a dark Pokemon, or he was trying to get her to become a dark Pokemon spy? She could not handle that. So, she left. She moved across the mountains, and into the jungle, someplace that Maynard would never find her. And, as a last-ditch effort to make tracking her hard, she began going by simply Josie.
Maynard, of course, was aware of everything that Josie did. And, while it pains him to see her go- her life is her life. Maynard still misses Josie.
And, if she would be honest, Josie still misses Maynard as well.
In the jungle, Josie joined a co-op of skilled artisans, who trained her up in their ways in return for helping them. Josie soon grew accustomed to many different skills, such as carpentry, pottery, glassblowing, woodcarving, metalworking and so much more. Josie became a staple of the small community in the jungle, and, over the past couple of years, has been attempting to gain more recognition outside of the jungle. Only a little- after all, who knew what Maynard was doing over there? She fixes things like chairs and tables, and creates blueprints.

⚒ PotHS belongs to @Pikakit! ⚒
⚒ Music is Graze the Roof from Plants Vs. Zombies ⚒