The Legend of Boney - HD

This release marks a project literally YEARS in the making. I made the original The Legend of Boney in 2019, and my goodness has my coding and artistic ability come a very long way since then.

All of the pixel art was hand-drawn by me in Pyxel Edit. I used the Scratch sound library for some sound effects, while others were generated with
I wrote all of the music in 1BITDRAGON. All of the music was based on originals from The Legend of Boney, which were composed by AIVA.AI.

Huge thanks to Griffpatch for his excellent set of instructional Scratch videos - this project would have been impossible without this foundation. If you can believe it, this game is based on the same Tile Scrolling Platformer engine as Super Yorick Bros. Here's the playlist - highly recommended:

Very special thanks to all of my students for making you wait this long. Sorry, I'm a perfectionist.