Finding Food at a Potluck

By Mpamn
Based on a True Story.
#animation #glutenfree #vegitarian

Instructions: Press the green flag and watch!

Animation, Voices & Code: Me

This is one of my first animations and my very first (I think) funny animation that is not about math or space. Hope you like it! (Also the sound might be a little out of sink with the animation.)

I am gluten free and vegetarian, which means that I can't have gluten (wheat) or meat. I can have little bits of gluten here and there, but if I have to much, I'll get a stomach ache. So finding a full meal at a potluck is not always easy.
I thought that would make a funny animation, and hopefully it did! But I do hope that more people consider others' food allergies and sensitivities when sharing food at a potluck or other places like that, because seriously, finding food at a potluck for me, and a lot of others, is not always easy.

Thanks for watching! (And reading this.)