Tappy Dig Deluxe

​A couple of years ago I started making games in Scratch to amuse my students. The culmination of that was Tappy Dig, a weird, creepy clicker game I made naively and poorly. I wanted to take another stab at it to polish it up the way it deserved - hence, Tappy Dig Deluxe.

Some changes I made and things I learned:
- Scratch is really good at making sure that things go in exactly the order you tell them to, and when you want them to. In the original Tappy Dig, I was wasting a lot of time using Forever loops. I should have been a lot more clever, and not wasted so much time calculating and re-calculating variables that hadn't changed.
- Custom Blocks! I used a lot of functions in the original Tappy Dig over and over again. I replaced as much of that as I could with Custom Blocks this time.
- Make the game bigger! I added a whole bunch of new features, and let numbers scale all the way up to the Infinity cap. I also figured out a faster way to represent numbers in scientific and exponential notation, and let players swap between them.

With thanks to my students, and to Lava.