Otis Series 1 at the Nonsense Tower in Nonsenseville

Publicado 2022-05-29
0.01 - Buttons and white background only
0.25 - Pre-alpha release
Elevator starts at floor 0 and goes down to floor 0 when started on another level
Broken floor buttons
0.27 - Alpha release
Major bugs
0.5 - Beta release
Fewer bugs
0.84 - Escrow release
Elevator goes down forever when no floor is chosen
Door buttons don't work
1.0 - Release date
The door close button intentionally doesn't work
Released on May 29th, 2022 at 3:47 PM
1.0 Bugs:
When you press a button while the doors are opening after you press the door open button when or after the doors close, unless the doors are all the way open.
Bugs for version 1.0 typed on June 23, 2022 at 8:40 PM