CLOSED Stories of the Wicked Monolith

Publicado 2022-12-05
1 the kits must form a bond with epiphany fairly quickly as this is part of the reason why she is going to adopt them
2 Do not whine or guilt me if you do not get the kit
3 this is not first come first serve
4 you must keep the kit until at least 18 moons but the longer you keep them the better
5 the first part of the codeword is a hero or deity from any mythology you think is cool.
6if you have experience in rping you are more likely to get the kit but I am of course welcome to newcomers to rping and this rp in particular
7 If you find out you will be inactive let me know asap
8 follow tfcrp rules ofc
9 the second part of the codeword is a country/state/whatever sort of place that you think has a cool flag (this has nothing to do with your opinion of the country, just the aesthetic of the flag)
10 you can apply for multiple kits but you will only be able to get one if any
11 don't be rude to others (including me) or yourself when applying
12 apply with either a comment or a remixed project nothing else
13 minor changes to the design are allowed but you must ask
14 if your cat has a disorder please research it on a credible website. mainly medical or veterinary ones thank you. Your bio will NOT count until you have done this step. Even if you only read a few paragraphs as long as you think it informs you enough, it will count, but please do more research later on.
15 If you are not active for a while I will give the kit to someone else which means I am going to try and have back-ups for all of them. I understand if you have to go on hiatus, but if you like never rp with this kit then they're going to someone else
16 put effort into your application
17 do not apply if you are homophobic, ableist, transphobic, racist, or sexist
18 ask if you have any questions
19 if you get the kit, sign up as 2 moons old and the kits will already have been living in the wicked monolith for a few days. epiphany will meet them as soon as I am able to rp
20 I do not know when you will be able to actually sign up with them but i want people to have plenty of time to make applications
21: if you need to drop out, let me know

List of the kits' disabilities. Remember you can add, but don’t just do it for aesthetic reasons.
You’ll still have to research
Legend: Autism and dyspraxia
Fable: None
Saga: ADHD and hard of hearing but not deaf
Parable: nearsighted and has a twisted front paw they were born with. They have learned to walk without it, but it’s difficult. (CoW says that in rp they can eventually end up splinting it with a stick)

completed applications: Legend 1, Fable 3, Saga 3, Parable 2

Name meanings (most of these have several meanings, but I'm going to do it in my own words~ Legend: A traditional story that often combines elements of myth and truth. Also a guide to reading a map
Fable: A short story in which animals are often the main characters designed to teach lessons in morality and society
Saga: Similar to an Epic, a Saga is a long poetic story of heroic deeds
Parable: Parables are very similar to Fables, and I have found no clear differences between them. Some believe that Parables are only religious, and while yes it does seem like parables may focus more on moral and spiritual dilemmas, my research has led me to find that secular parables exist as well. Though the most common are religious.