Plumbing DWV & Supply Pressure Tests are Critical

Publicado 2023-08-13

Todos los comentarios (10)
  • @Deep_Divers
    Thanks! I am ripping through all your videos. Reading the codes is one thing. Seeing it in the field is another. Very helpful when you not only point out the specific violation but where it applies elsewhere like you typically do. How about a video on plumbing cleanouts and where they are required?
  • @Lonzohiggins999
    I'm about to get my inspection for a remodel thank you , very informative
  • I've never had the pleasure of shadowing a plumbing inspector so this is very informative. One question, just how far down the line is the ball placed in the drain line? And is there any test for the line beyond that, say, out to the street?
  • @Downs96
    Here in Michigan, you cannot have 3” elbows horizontal to horizontal.
  • So if you have no water service to the building because you are waiting for the water department (construction held up) or it is winter..... cold temps. I would have concerns of testing with water you would never get all the water out of the lines unless you blew it out... . liner test yup great go ahead and sheetrock then during construction liner gets damage. I believe that all shower pans should be a copper pan with the brass drain soldered in.
  • @jwblount7802
    The irc/Ipc has a major contradiction when it comes to the plastic testing. Both say you cannot use air on plastic but 312.7 forces sewer test of the IPC requires 5 lbs of pressure greater than then working pressure of the pump. So the only way to do that is to air test it. Cannot use working water pressure that will creates a cross contamination situation..