The Real Uncle Tom: Josiah Henson (Full Documentary) | Our Daily Bread Ministries

Did you know that one of America's most famous authors, Harriet Beecher Stowe, based her book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" on the experiences of a real man—the life of Rev. Josiah Henson (1789-1883)?

"Josiah Henson: The Real Uncle Tom" will take you on a visual journey from the historical Uncle Tom's cabin in Maryland, to Kentucky, and ultimately to the famous underground railroad.

Host Larnelle Harris shows you how this African-American minister went from spiritual bondage in sin to freedom in Christ; from physical bondage in slavery to political freedom and on to help other slaves to read, write, and learn a trade.

You'll also get a glimpse into the life of Harriet Beecher-Stowe (1811-1896), the seventh child of a prominent preacher in Connecticut. And, as a special bonus, Larnelle Harris sings the spirituals "Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen" and "Great Gettin' Up Mornin'" filmed at Uncle Tom's Cabin Historic Site.

This program is from the Day of Discovery archives. Presented by Our Daily Bread Ministries.

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コメント (21)
  • Thank you Rev. Josiah Henson for your service to God and mankind.
  • Just thank you for the truth about the origin and life of Reverend Josiah Henson, aka Uncle Tom. Education is key.
  • How have I never heard about Josiah Henson until now? Thank you for sharing HIStory.
  • How is an inspiring story like this not taught in schools. An amazing story of an amazing man.
  • Josiah Henson is a true hero that should be respected for his role in history. I wish this history was taught in schools.
  • @jmo8822
    I've tried to explain these facts to anyone who would listen years ago. Thank you for sharing this history
  • If I'm not mistaken, Uncle Tom was beaten to near death yet would not give up the location of runaway slaves. He was a true Christian who was willing to die for the cause of black liberation and human liberation. We need more human beings like Uncle Tom.
  • As a white American, I surely never will understand what blacks have went through, what they are going through, or what they may anticipate going through. However I do know when I have been introduced to a great human being, no matter what the color skin that person happens to have. I feel like I have just been introduced to one of the best of the best as I have just met Mr. Josiah Henson. After watching and learning about him and his struggles, faith and triumphs, this has to be the most inspirational people who ever walked on earth. Inspirational to every culture if learned. Why this book isn't mandatory and or taught in every school is a mystery to me. Thanks for the education and sharing such a " thought" changing true story.
  • Beautiful documentary that reminds you, that no matter what evil comes against you, as long as God is in you, you will win. "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in this world."
  • Just seeing this makes me teary eyed what ancestors went through this makes me respect our history even more.
  • Thank you Uncle Tom for being a hero to your family and your people.
  • Our family appreciates the proper depiction of our great great great grandfathers legacy! Thank you 🙏🏾
  • This Hero deserves a Statue in every nation 🤴🏿🤴🏿🤴🏿🤴🏿💯💯🤴🏿🤴🏿🤴🏿🤴🏿
  • So glad to hear that man made it to freedom, I don't understand how any human being think they have the right to own another. Not just America, but thousands of years all over the world.
  • @renee6511
    Thank you for the welcome history of Josiah Henson! Now THIS is American History 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
  • This should be taught in our schools. So proud of Mr. Henson's accomplishments! Moreover, the truth behind the book and the later distortions is so very important!
  • @hugo_l127
    History teaches us to never forget. I feel this is the problem with a lot of people nowadays they forget this part of history. I just couldn't imaging being sold to the highest bidder. SMDH thank you for the documentary. I lived near Rockville, MD in Bethesda and right off Old Georgetown Road there is a road named after Josiah Henson Parkway, in addition there is also the Josiah Henson Park and Museum, I was under the assumption that because the area is mostly Jewish, I thought this was a big name in Jewish History, come to find out it was about this great man.
  • I'm so glad I'd taken time out ti finished this documentary. First, I started to get angry but at the end, I realized that God is an on time God. Never give up and keep the faith. Awesome story.
  • As a 57 year old white woman I love this SAD History. God bless Josiah and his family
  • I am a decendent of the Henson family using my Rev. Henson as a way to create a dissertation on black masculinity.