7 Common Mistakes that can Shorten your Shih Tzu's Life!

Published 2022-11-24
There are a few things that many Shih Tzu owners unknowingly do that can shorten the dog's life. Let's have a look at them.
Check out our Channel for more:
0:00 Intro
0:15 No.1 Overfeeding your Shih Tzu
1:56 No.2 Neglecting their dental hygiene
2:27 No.3 Not spaying or neutering your dog
2:01 No. 4 Missing vet visits
2:28 No.5 Skipping exercise time
3:07 No.6 Forgetting to teach your old dog new tricks
3:43 No.7 Leaving your Shih Tzu alone for too long

I can totally understand how challenging it is to raise a Shih Tzu, especially if it's your first dog. I started this channel to help Shih Tzu owners take better Care of their Cuddle Monster.

All Comments (21)
  • I loved my first Shih Tzu but she died at age 14. I wanted to buy another ST puppy but wanted to buy from a breeder who shows their STs as well. I had to wait but it was well worth it as was the money. I love her. She shares her love between my Hubby and me, but I get most of the love. My husband will see her out when he wants to rest. She is more than willing. She is very playful and has that cute ST stride. She is a picky eater, however. I love my girl. She is the best. My daughter liked my first ST; so she bought one as well from a breeder. Her dog lived until 15 years of age. These dogs come from royalty and I pamper my girl terribly. I hand feed her with a spoon. She has a mustache and beard, and I do not want her face to get dirty. They are the best dogs but seem to have more health issues than other dogs.
  • @JCATG
    Thank you for these reminders. I wish I knew these sooner. God bless you and all fur babies and parents!
  • I’m so happy that I saw this video it was really helpful thank you😊
  • @johnmason9286
    Thanks for the advice my little matilda she's 6 months old wear lucky we have retired nurse mummy and carer daddy looking after her
  • Thank you I have a shih tzu she loves to sleep all day and wants to play at night I try to keep her awake during the day with lots playing and exercises.
  • @RosieBirds
    Be careful not to neuter too early. We lost our beloved little guy at 8 1/2 years old from Cushing's Disease. It is thought that neutering too young can bring this on. Our Skoshi was a few months old when we had it done. He always had perfect eyes and teeth and was in excellent health until Cushing's raised its ugly head. Cushing's is a disaster to be avoided at all costs. For our next dog we waited until he was a year old before neutering.
  • Awwwww very CUTE Shihtzu ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ great advices heheheh 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Yoshi kisses woof woof 🐶🐶🐶
  • La semana que viene tendré la suerte de tener de nuevo un cachorro en mi vida ...estoy feliz 🥰🥰
  • @sheronburkhardt656
    I have heard people say that Shih Tzus are not the most intelligent canines. I absolutely do not agree with this. I have had my Bailee since she was seven weeks old and she began learning from the very beginning. At eight weeks old she was already playing fetch with me. She has an enormous amount of toys to play with and knows the name of each one. I can be in a room far away from those toys and tell her to go to the toybox, naming the toy, and she will bring it back to me. Ask if she is hungry and she runs to the kitchen. The STARE is something she does when she wants me to do something. She will sit directly in front of me, being very quiet, and wait for me to ask "do you want to go to bed"? That was the right answer from the beginning and continues to be now. She is very rambunctious and loves doing her ZOOMIES. She is also a little jumper who climbs the stairs each day and when she gets close to the bottom will jump down, sailing through the air. She has a little thing that she does if we are sitting and she wants me to get up - she tosses her head back over and over until I move. Bailee may be a little firecracker, but she also is a sweetie who likes to cuddle. She is sometimes Utter Chaos and Pure Joy to me.
  • While I love the video, it does seem ironic that in a video about things that harm them, you don’t mention but we all saw it on camera…..a little Shih Tzu running after a toy on a very slippery floor and slipping as he catches the toy. Floors like that are very hard on their joints, running and slipping continuously because the floor is too slippery, will do damage over time. Should add some surface rugs to his running area. Protect his hips and joints.
  • Spaying and neutering should only be done in emergency, or if pet parents are irresponsible. The endoctrine system suffers immensely without sex hormones.
  • The no 1 thing that shortens Any dogs life is there food. Giving that dried processed balls you were giving is a big no no. Or any canned wet food with hod knows what's in it. All dogs should be given organic fresh raw meat and offal, cooked fish once a week. And only dried liver for treat. And fresh veg and fruit that dogs are allowed to eat. And food based supplements for ultimate health. That with Love time, and exercise. And I would say Less time spent going to mainstream vets, if fed properly they dont need a vet. Research holistic alternatives. DO NOT get them spayed or neutered, taking away there hormones, which create loads of health issues. Keep eyes, ears, cuts, lumps, bumps sprayed with colloidal silver, better than any antibiotic with NO side effect. Also can be taken , Research! Fresh filtered water, never tap water that's full of chemicals. Dont get a dog unless you have time and money for it! 💜🐕💜
  • The problem is when ppl don't allowed dogs so it's gonna leave them home alone we had to do this when. They were not allowed and don't take them to loud places. Always keep your eye on them but let them be free.!❤
  • @tjam4229
    At 00:35 she says “puppies need 55 calories per day…adults need 45 calories per pound per day”. This is a mistake. She should’ve said “puppies need 55 calories PER POUND per day”