Health warning issued for Splendour attendees after third meningococcal case

Publicado 2022-08-12
Splendour in the Grass attendees are being urged to look out for symptoms of a deadly disease after a third case of Meningococcal was recorded.

Health authorities confirmed the probable case in a child who attended the festival

Todos los comentarios (18)
  • @mickjoG
    get off the viruses bandwagon already, SkyNews
  • @VitZ9
    Wait. You're telling me someone got sick at a music festival, where nobody showers or practices personal hygiene for days, can't afford $5 water bottles, the toilets aren't cleaned, and everyone is dancing high on Ketamine in the mud after record rainfall the day before? Well, I am shocked! 😮
  • @jane29228
    they get j4b ed and send them off with it inf3ct ing others
  • @shannona6989
    Hell, been a while since I've heard of ol Menning, probably feeling neglected because of Covid
  • @chairmandan1794
    Move onto the next Health Crisis. Are they going alphabetical or are they random?
  • @Ad_Astra_321
    Worry if you took the tea, cause everyone else is & will be just fine!
  • @lupingyan6540
    Australians : pariahs Australia: weak Australia technology: trash Australia space technology : much trash All right , what qualifies Australians to take hardline????? What qualifications are there for Australians not to be kind and friendly???????