Black couple’s home value rose nearly $300,000 after shown by white colleague l ABCNL

ABC News’ Linsey Davis spoke to professors Nathan Connolly and Shani Mott who filed an appraisal discrimination lawsuit, with Mott saying, “My jaw dropped. I was like, this is racism, right?”

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コメント (21)
  • they're both rich and highly educated. this shows racism and discrimination is not only towards the low income black community. it's shocking how much fo a difference the value is
  • Why can’t we keep these companies accountable for this? This is beyond despicable
  • There was a reason why MLK was killed during his Poor People's Campaign and not during his Civil Rights Campaign. The powers that be could tolerate social progress for black Americans, but not economic progress. The Tulsa race massacre was proof that government officials were not only complacent in this economic oppression, but literally participated in it themselves. It has been 159 years since emancipation but the black-white wealth gap has not closed. In fact, it has only grown wider in the last 60 years. This is what people are referring to when they say 'systemic racism.' True racial equality cannot be achieved without economic equality. That's why MLK shifted his focus to economic rights in the late 60's. But this video is evidence that progress has not been made.
  • When selling our first home, my (White) agent told me to remove all family photos. I asked, why? She looked at me and said: “There’s a lot of racist buyers out there” I wasn’t angry, I actually appreciated her honesty. Also, my town wasn’t very inviting. My house sold with one showing, multiple offers. I can definitely relate. Sad, but true.
  • @fayr8807
    Fighting discrimination and fighting cancer at the same time. I can’t imagine. Praying the trial treatment is effective for her. Beautiful couple.
  • @CCGem
    And for those who say race bias and racism doesn't exist, this is just one highlighted examples. This couple is brave to show us.
  • @techfrob
    Imagine all of the wealth that has been lost and stolen over the last hundred years because of this type of behavior… in many industries.
  • My sister sold her house some years ago. The realtor told her, straight out the gate, to remove any ethnic art, etc. The realtor, who was white, said she was sorry, but the reality is if buyers know the seller is black, they either won't buy it or they will try to low brow the offer. This is real and it is going on in this day and age. SMH Kudos to this couple for exposing this. I hope it brings about real change in the housing industry.
  • My next neighbor asked if we could help her get a quote for a new roof because roofing companies were quoting high prices. Once we did we could see that the prices these companies were quoting her and her husband were out of the world in Florida. We were not only shocked but insisted if they needed our help for any other quotes to let us know so we could help get them a lower price. This is completely unfair treatment by these companies.
  • Cannot deny this behavior happens. Makes me sick, and appraisal companies guilty of this should be shut down period.
  • I respect them for approaching and addressing this situation with class and dignity.
  • @pejoy2k
    I've been a victim of that as well. I refinanced 3 homes over the past 2 years, and they were all appraised under market value. I had to confront the appraiser for his discriminatory treatment on my most recent home. It's upsetting to realize that regardless of how accomplished one can be in today's society, the skin color will often be the single factor to be judged by.
  • This is why the online application process has been beneficial to me. Countless times the credit score, yearly income, and every other qualifying criteria has been on point. Then when my wife and I walk into the office to finalize, the shock of seeing that we are Black is very, very real. Too late to discriminate. We’ve already been approved. Sometimes they’re so flustered that they will actually comment that they are really surprised that we qualify for some much. I wonder how many white folk they say that to??? Probably zero!!!!
  • “Jump to the conclusion” came off as offensive. These people don’t seem like the type to come to a conclusion unless they thought it out. They present as reasonable people.
  • I hope you follow through with the lawsuit and that you win. Don’t let anyone disrespect you because of your race, ethnicity, etc.
  • I think this is about jealousy. The same thing happened to me when I was a 29 year old single women buying a 4500 square foot home on half acre in Denver with mountain views they did not want to give me a loan. Finally I spoke with the president and he said do you realize what you make in a month is what most people make in a year. Some people get so jealous when a person in their mind should not be successful because they are a minority. Some people who are part of the majority have a strong sense of entitlement and are angered when those in the minority have achieved alot more success then they have.
  • You can see the fear and love in this man's eyes as his wife talks about her health. Best wishes for the family. Sending love ❤️
  • @obiejean
    The fact that they missed out on a very low interest rate and now have to change the terms of their mortgage from 15 years to 30 years should be seem as criminal. I hope they win their lawsuit and they get enough to pay off the home and get the best medical help they can afford to help Dr. Shani Mott with her battle with cancer. Prayers up for this amazing couple!
  • I'm about to go find a white couple when I get ready to sell a house. lol
  • So sad that this kind of thing happens in this day and age. My heart goes out to you guys.