Everyone Should Know These Unwritten Rules - Fallout 76

Here are 5 unwritten rules you may want to consider following. While it's a pretty good idea to follow them, it's not like you HAVE to do it. Ultimately, you could either pick up a thing or two from this video or not, it's completely up to you! Just don't forget: Have fun!

Hope you learned something from this video!

0:00 - Intro
0:17 - Change Public Team Goal to Casual
0:57 - Nuke correctly
3:11 - Don't Spam Explosive Weapons
4:40 - Don't Touch Locked Items
5:04 - Don't Start Events Early
7:41 - Outro

コメント (21)
  • @prizmere
    Lately I've received comments from people voicing their concerns around having to follow rules, let me clarify the point of this video. If you can't be bothered reading, here's the TL;DR: Rules =/= unwritten rules. Play the game any whichever way you want to, as long as you're not breaking ACTUAL rules. Non-TL;DR: These unwritten rules are OPTIONAL. As far as I'm aware they can act as a guideline from the perspective of a general (majority) consensus of a certain topic, and that is what I based this video on. While not scientific by any means, seeing similar videos, reading posts on Reddit, and having played the game for quite some time, has given me an overall idea of what the consensus is. The like/dislike ratio on this video does seem to validate it as well, though that one is in hindsight of course. Play however you want, having fun is the point of games after all. Some people will hate you for it, just like some people are hating on me for making this video (albeit a small minority). While I do think you'd be showing more respect to people around you by following most of these points, personally, I wouldn't care if you were to go completely against them. I won't hold it against you unless you're actually griefing. Going against these rules doesn't automatically mean you're griefing though, just to be clear. Regarding "Nuke correctly", yes, it's completely fine to drop the nuke wherever you want. Need materials? Fight SBQ in the zone, not a problem. The reason why I chose these specific drop locations is because I figured it'd be ideal to keep lower level players in mind, I think it's cool when they can participate in boss events. This topic is not quite as black & white as some make it out to be, but I should've indeed mentioned things like this as well, unfortunately it's incredibly difficult to make a perfect video. Hopefully that clarified some things. Have a good rest of your day!
  • @leaelzebub811
    Another rule: defend the people playing instruments at One Violent Night. Don't keep walking outside, especially when there's only like 3 players there and/or mostly lower level players. Ghouls will come in other doors and from the roof and the people playing will get overwhelmed. Normally, don't one shot things, but absolutely one shot ghouls attacking musicians.
  • @Marvin12Mcm
    Another quick unwritten rule from a player who's been playing since the beta. Don't make your vendor hard to find and don't put them in your shelter. As soon as I spawn into your camp your vendor should be quick and easy to find. Most people don't want to go through two loading screens to get to your vendor so don't put them in your shelter.
  • Don't hide your vendor behind inaccessible rooms in your camp with arrows pointing into your shelters. No one wants to wait through a second load screen just to find out all your items for sale are set to 40k
  • @Bonkler__
    Good vid. Something to add for Eviction Notice; if you are running Power Armor, please repair the rad scrubber when it breaks. Most of the squishy Bloodied players will go down instantly, causing mobs to start swarming the area. So it's important that the people with high defense/resists to repair it ASAP.
  • @UncleDon226
    The waiting thing is so nice. Those times you see the event notification pop up but you're in the middle of something, so you finish up and head over to the event and everyone is waiting to start. So nice.
  • @Barlofontain
    Nuke Correctly - Don't forget that nuking isn't just for starting events, it's also for farming flux, so much of what you said is for low level players that dont know about flux, not "unwritten rules" Don't fight the SBQ at V9 because then half the radiation zone off the map and its useless for picking nuke flora afterwards. Leave Starion Delta or Glassed Caverns free if you can't fight in the radiation zone, but fighting in the rad zone is best because all the enemies drop ingredients for making flux. Also don't melt the queen as fast as you can, you get more spawns and therefore more XP the longer you keep her alive You can nuke Skyline Valley and there is no radiation zone, so it doesn't matter if you nuke the weather station Collecting Ore in Rad Rumble gives better spawns, snallys, deathclaws etc, so more XP... get the ore
  • @Lenkic13
    I’ve been playing F76 since Day 1 and it’s things like this that makes the F76 playing community the best in all online gaming.
  • Leaving a comment so more people see this, the amount of events that failed because some low level started the hard events early is crazy, this can help them out hopefully.
  • Radiation rumble has been getting really bad lately every event is full of people blocking the spawns with higher level players spamming the thumbs down emote that are there to just use their Tesla to tag all the ghouls but can’t because like 10 people are sitting in the tunnels
  • Concerning #3: I have an auto grenade launcher for only one one type of event: the Refelective Skin mutated events. It is the only weapon I can use without it hurting me in turn. Not mentioned in the video, but has been commented: Vendor placement. Put them where they are easily seen and accessible. Also, have at least two!!!!! But another point, to shoppers: WAIT for a camp to fully LOAD before you go tearing through the area, then bitch about not being able to find it. At least half the time they are directly in your line of vision, but you were impatient. WAIT! Kind of in the same vein: pay attention to where visitors to your camp spawn! If that location is not ideal, MOVE YOUR CAMP MODULE!
  • @Grzmnky
    I wrote a huge comment about rad rumble and eviction. Then noticed you did it. Thank you. For rad rumble, standing in the hallways drops the respawn rate significantly. Stay in center, you do more harm trying to get to the kills first because nothing spawns. Join a team from players inside the event cause their kills give you xp on top of your kills. When rad rumble is done right with lunch boxes, you can level up multiple times, almost 10 times during double xp weekends with some buffs
  • Definitely agree with the explosive weapon spamming in events. When multiple people do it, it seems to really lag the server. I know people love their weapons, but some restraint is nice.
  • All good points. I'd add not to be an ass on area audio. Nobody wants to hear you chewing chips or your kids whining or your baby momma screaming in the background. Use push to talk if you need to say anything.
  • Don't accept player trades unless you really know that player. Avoid scammers.
  • These "unwritten rules" vids are usually incredibly pretentious, but you were on the money with every one you listed. Right on, you earned a like and subscription. I'm gonna keep an eye on this channel.
  • @-Lucky-Six-
    nice video, one very important one that i think 90% people dont know, rad rumble, if you run off down to the top of the slopes to get XP you will actually nerf the spawn rate for yourself and everyone else. STAY in the middle, use a tesla rifle to tag, enjoy the massive amount of XP
  • @monkee5th
    Another thing is be aware of where people visiting your camp will spawn. I have visited many people's camps only to spawn inside their foundations. Once you place your camp move the camp module so that a visitor doesn't spawn inside somewhere they can't get out.
  • @DiakosDelvin
    6: When someone pops a lunchbox, pop one too (unless 4 others have already done so)
  • @Liz-nq9rc
    As a new player, I've been surprised to see how many people run up ahead to one shot kill all of the holiday scorched. Its super douchy and makes it unnecessarily competitive. Thank you