Should Sea of Thieves have PvE-Only Servers in 2022?

Published 2022-10-12
Have you considered the possibility of PvE servers being implemented into Sea of Thieves? Well a lot of people have apparently... in this video I take a look at their arguments, maybe there is a justifiable reason for the addition of PvE servers to the game. PvP may not be as important of an aspect to Sea of Thieves as we first thought...

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Aurora by Jonny Easton
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Inspire by CreativeMediass

All Comments (21)
  • @LongingString
    Why do I have a powerful sense of dread about this comments section? 🤔
  • I’m pretty sure that it would be better if they added some sort of better way to find lobby around your skill level. People who want pve servers want them because it’s annoying to get destroyed by people who have much more skill and time in the game. If you look at pve people it’s only about getting shit on by lot more skilled crews. When you look at every other pvp game the 1k hour players are usually separated from people who are totally new.
  • PVPers always tell PVEers to go whine and play a different/more relaxing game if they don’t like constant fights. 😑 But if you genuinely like fighting and competing so much, why not go play a competitive fps game? The reason both parties like SOT so much is because it is much more laid back and unique than most games in the same genre. I do think there should be pve only servers for people who want to relax/don’t have enough time in the day to constantly grind. We both like the game, we both prefer to play differently, so just appreciate the damn game.
  • @dentobennie
    look, I’m tryna have fun and relax and chill with the homies. I’m not tryna have the urge to wanna throw my controller- 🗿
  • I feel like a good way to balance this would be only Pve servers Where you cant Raise an Emmissary flag and a mode where Players can Raise Emmissarys and might even get an Gold Bonus. This in my opinon would lead to new players, or Players wanting a Chill experience chosing the Pve servers and the Players wanting a lot of Revenue or good fights choosing the Pve mode. Wiht that i feel like a good balace would be achived.
  • @callmener041
    Sorry for my friend with the soundboard on 9:34 , we just have a rough day and was pretty much pissed over all pvps that hunted us over the day. But overall good videos Bro <3
  • @charliecringe
    Having all those people during the beginning was very weirdly wholesome, I'm not sure why but I just loved that you did that, pretty much added an extra layer of quality or something, not too sure lol but anyway imma stop confusing both myself and you reading this
  • I am more for a way to do Tall Tales seperate from Adventure mode. I am okay with loosing treasure I grabed from islands, wrecks and forts because I let my guard down in the wrong moment or because I am just not as good in naval battles as others. What irks me however is getting camped the hell out of when I try to complete a Tall Tale for a cool item/cosmetic.
  • @squirrelz6117
    If you played Quake Live, you might know the angle here. PVP is stressful, flat out lame most of the time, with your teammates bitching or if you're playing 1v1 usually one of the players are grossly outmatched in experience or skill, when noobs come into the community they get exhausted by L's. Top Streamers like Summit1g, DocDisrespect, Shroud and more tried to play Quake Champions and after a little bit of time, found themselves stressing and raging so much that didn't want to play again 'ever', and BARELY had fun. They weren't even playing competitive gamemodes, they were casual warmup modes like FFA. From my experience it takes way too much grinding, which I did. Way too much stress and losses to learn. Too many teammates bitching and not having fun. Fortunately very little toxicity. Too many hours sunk into not having fun, only to once again make other people rage quit. And the main takeaway here is, once you get better at the game, noobstomping is only a hobby for a little while. Then you get bored, and move on. But as for fresh blood, they usually get exhausted and leave midgame or afterwards never to be seen again. PVE draws new people in, and they usually stay or at least come and go, and at least won't feel like a whipping post. I'm not saying Sea of Thieves looks like a bad PVP game but looks really toxic, looks way less difficult obviously, but anyone who has played Fortnite or PUBG or something knows what toxic looks like. Most people, probably aren't willing to sink in hours into a game if that progress was lost instantly to griefers, this is pertaining to Sea of Thieves or other gimmicks. At least in Quake Live or CSGO or something like that, you don't lose the hard work you earn. And the majority of people don't want to torture themselves just to have fun. Sea of Thieves seems like a perfect game for PVE if they made adjustments, too bad because I would have bought it by now.
  • @woehr6
    It’s a weird one I’m new so I just wanna explore the game but pvp should not be removed
  • I don't mind SOT is open PVP, As a one handed gamer I don't do well in Pvp, I do see points in both arguments
  • @s7ppy
    maybe there should be official erp servers
  • I’m mainly a PVE player but I see it as risk vs rewards. I’m a strong helmsman and can run from most players, doesn’t what ship I’m using. Like I said, risk vs reward. Stock your ship with tons of supplies, doesn’t matter how long you’ll be on for
  • @BloodDX2
    Honestly, just make private/pve servers a thing and divide character progression between them. An account can have a PvPvE Traditional pirate and a Private/PvE pirate each with their own progression. Rare could give people a one off opportunity to move their current pirate into one camp or the other (though im certain alot of the PvE'rs wouldnt even mind starting over if they had access to the PvE/Private mode); and you allow people to play how they want to enjoy the game; while not discounting the achievements and progression people have had in the traditional mode. The only reason not to do something like this is because the PvP community doesn't want to lose their captive audience of the PvE crowd. Sadly majority of PvP becomes toxic and drives people away meaning its less and less likely to have a draw of more players to it which they likely fear losing player counts to in comparison to the accessibility a PvE mode would hold. But at the end of the day if someone purchased the game; they should be entitled to play it the way they wish to; and if a PvE player or someone who enjoys the game in a more casual sense (like myself) grows tired of the constant stress of other players, (something that one of the players you interviewed commented upon in this video) they're apt to just quit the game altogether and either way thats one less player sailing the seas to be interacted with in any capacity.
  • @znight8013
    I agree games don't have to be fair but I want a sailing game and it's the best feeling sailing the boat.
  • Was on a tall tale last week with a friend on a sloop. Just as we finished and swam back up to the boat a reaper was there boarding us. They gave us the option of fight or pay them off. Only thing we had was the Chest of ever lasting sorrows. They decided to pass. 2 mins later we found out why. The damn thing never stops crying xD Overall, lie, bride, steal and if needed, fight your way to glory...or not.
  • @JC-tu1vx
    Why is it not a good idea to have PVP servers for PVP'ers and PVE servers for those who don't enjoy PVP or for people looking to learn the mechanics first instead of being thrown into the deep end of the pool that's full of sharks? I love PVP myself but when I tried to play the game, it was impossible to learn how to play the game because of the PVP. People with years of experience were hard to fight against. Even the islands were camped. Several times when logging in, we were killed and our boat sunk before we had a chance to even get off the island. That isn't anyone looking pvp or a challenge. Thats people looking to troll. Finally we gave up. My friends and I couldn't learn the mechanics or do anything within the game to be able to learn the game so we could participate in the pvp aspect. Perhaps making most areas of the ocean for the experienced pvpers to go up against those with experience while others learn the game could be a solution. Those learning the game could have a choice of taking a risk by taking the shorter route through the PVP infested oceans or take the very long and dangerous route that is full of bad storms and NPCs that will sink and you lose all your loot. Or a private server so it gives those who need to learn the game mechanics first a chance. And pvpers who are saying it will ruin the game are only looking for easy squishies to kill and looking to troll people. There are plenty of PVPers out there to go up against for a real fight. I'm not saying end PVP. PVP is what makes this game appealing. I'm saying give people a chance to learn the game and to even get off the friggen login islands first so they can also have a fair chance. If we had a chance to learn the game, we would be out there hunting other pvpers. PVP is fun and very enjoyable. But not when you can't learn the mechanics of the game first.
  • @Pruttesvin
    I've never understood why people buy a pirate game but then complain that it's a pirate game
  • 13:24 if theres no reaper chest nor reapers bounty on server there's less than 3 ships on server