Why are some players unhappy with Sea of Thieves Season 11?

Published 2024-01-24
Season 11 has arrived to sea of thieves, and yet some seem unhappy with the lack of any "real" new content, let's see why...

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All Comments (21)
  • @speakersot2110
    Thank you for this video. Way too much pessimism & lack of trust with the developers lately. I understand much of the negative sentiment, but this game is literally one-of-a-kind, made by people who truly love the world they’ve built.
  • @fireside9549
    I really would welcome some updates that encourage crews working together for a change.
  • @orge9711
    Alot of "gamers" always see stuff in black and white, if one thing is bad the whole meal becomes a stain that never should exist in the first place. Some people are overly positive which creates a very Fake and emotionless community. Games didn't change for the worse, the players did and finding that balance is one of the most valuble thing you can have as a player in a enviroment like this. If something is perfect it wouldn't be human
  • @snipermonke5113
    My only complaint about this season is the lag has been worse than it has ever been
  • @fireside9549
    Ive experienced way more pvp and agro in this update than ever before 😂. Its good
  • @Cannon__Fodder
    "Every update should, and indeed is focused on increasing player interaction. . ." Safer Seas: . . . What we need is new mechanics for interacting with other players. Stuff like swinging from ropes on your ship to other ships, or new weapon types. We've had the same tools for player interaction for years. The most recent significant addition to the sandbox was harpoons. That was in 2019. Making more new world events isn't going to cut it. All they've really added to the normal sandbox of late has been new world events and new loot types, and every "new" world event they've added has been a remake of an old one. Fort of Fortune? Regular fort with different loot and slightly harder; FOTD? Regular fort on a spooky island with different treasure; Ashen Winds? Fire fort but on normal islands. You get my point. Not to mention they nerfed all pve too, so all of these are insanely easy, even for my friends who've only played for 1-2 weeks. I'm not saying the game is bad, but it has really gotten really, really stale and repetitive, and I don't play it that often. It's still one of my favorite games, but if it's going to stay that way, they need to add more tools to the *sandbox*, not extra stuff like tall tales, or adventures, or new loot types.
  • @mattevans4377
    The thing is, you can call players negative, but they choose to play or not play the game. If, for example, they don't see raids as worth it, they just won't do them, and there goes a big chuck of your player interaction in the current game. Sometimes, as much as you might hate it, you have to listen to them, or you just get a dead game.
  • I really like what theyve been doing lately adding stuff like golden curses and hundreds of levels to the main factions, as a player with 3000 hours it adds a lot of fun for me (especially because im autistic and bad at coming up with goals, so i often need to be given goals to work for.) Since season 8 came out ive been working towards the golden curses and it every time i load up the game i know exactly what im working toward.
  • @Bavio
    Too much content is how I feel about WoW now. There's just too much to care about, and I left that long ago. I'm happy with the amount of content is SoT. Small enough to see a lot of it, but big enough to see something in the distance to intrigue you.
  • @unluckeyfreak13
    Most of us who complain are firm believers that players should be brought together but not necessarily brought together to fight all the time. And definitely not someone who has a thousand hours attacking someone who has 50. When most people say that they want free roam PVP in the world what they really mean is they want to attack unsuspecting players with a far lower skill set than them. While this is player interaction it is not the interaction that all players want.
  • @kiss4542
    Buried treasure is gone!! This is ridiculous!!
  • @legobeylov7470
    I cant wait for this years season 12-14 like seriously season 12 is so fun so far and its only gona get more stuff with flameheart and other new stuff
  • @MrVictor1227
    I personally liked the update,but they shouldn't have removed the level 5 emissary flag voyage stacking
  • @Odog78
    Well... This got deep. I agree 100%. Sea of thieves was an amazing refuge and social outlet during Covid. It is unique in how it can bring people together.
  • @sovietdoggo3225
    Does anyone know where you can spend the dabloons on ashen keys? Or was it removed entirely???
  • @abandoned__
    this channel never fails to deliver ! its nice having someone voice what ive been thinking for the longest time in a well-rounded way
  • @bigmanspook
    I'm havin a lotta fun with this update. But I am pretty bummed that I won't be able to get those neat new rings cause I rly only like to play Safer Seas. I don't like to play High Seas cause it gives me too much anxiety, I don't care about the gold I make.
  • @Mister_Blean
    The reason a lot of us are upset really arent any of the mentioned reasons. Almost every task in the game has been largely made less rewarding than they were previously. And removing the sailing part of a game largely based around sailing is just goofy AF. Its like playing Starfield, a game largely based on space exploration, but in order to explore space you need a fast travel system to teleport everywhere you go. Its just goofiness. And yes, while a large part of the game is based around player interaction I totally agree. Look back to the original promotional material for the game. It's very clear that the interaction was primarily PvP oriented in their (RARE's) minds. Now add in severely diminished rewards for completing tasks in the game, there are less reasons to go seek out players rather than do content yourself. Just my opinion though. I still enjoy playing the game. Just disappointed that everything I do with my already limited time is less rewarding than a week ago.
  • @disisowen
    just found this channel dropped a fat sub
  • @MrVictor1227
    Did you found the most optiomal way to level up in this Season?