The Godfather of Horror: Mario Bava's 26 Films Ranked 1956-1980 - Italian gothic, giallo & slasher

Published 2022-10-20
This is the first full ranking of Mario Bava's films on youtube. Bava should be hailed for jump starting Italian horror, creating some of the most gorgeous horror films ever, and creating many horror sub-genres well before their time. Some of his many fans include Carpenter, Burton, Lynch, Fellini, Tarantino, Scorsese, Del Toro, Landis, Coppola, Dante and Peter Jackson.

26) Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs
25) The Road to Fort Alamo
24) The Day the Sky Exploded
23) Roy Colt & Winchester Jack
22) Four Times That Night
21) Erik the Conqueror
20) I Vampiri
19) Shock
18) Knives of the Avenger
17) Venus D'Ille
16) Caltiki
15) Baron Blood
14) Five Dolls for an August Moon
13) The Girl Who Knew Too Much
12) The Whip and the Body
11) Danger: Diabolik
10) Hatchet for the Honeymoon
9) Black Sunday
8) Lisa and the Devil
7) Blood and Black Lace
6) Hercules in the Haunted World
5) Rabid Dogs
4) Black Sabbath
3) Planet of the Vampires
2) Kill Baby Kill
1) A Bay of Blood

All Comments (15)
  • Thanks for doing this. Bava has been and always will be my all-time favorite filmmaker! Grew up watching some of his films on late night tv in th 70s and early 80s, some in terribly edited form. But it always captivated me at such a young age. His horror output is supreme, but even his other genre pictures are fantastic! I have everything he's worked on, at least what's available on disc..(sadly I got rid of a few vhs that I had long ago)..There's such a unique look, feel and quality to his work that is unmistakable... Bavaesque, if you like 😁 much great imagery and on a subconscious level, for me anyway.. originally a painter, like th great David Lynch as well, he lets th images tell th story! And he really did it all-- from effects to glass matte shots, miniatures, lighting beyond compare, innovative camera techniques and trickery, etc... There's so much he's responsible for, if you really dig deep, we discover that, 9 times out of 10, he did it first!! Such a pioneer and purveyor of dreams and nightmares on film! I always say-no Mario, no Dario! πŸ˜‰...and I love all those guys from Argento to Martino..from Avati to Fulci..Lenzi to Deodato(RIP, recently πŸ˜”)..... they all took it to the nxt level, and are great in their own ways. But Bava will always be th first choice for me! Thanks again for this! πŸ’€
  • Lamberto Bava must be so proud his father is legend now. Totally deserving.
  • This is exactly the video I didn't know I needed. I've seen all his "main"? (I can't think of a better word) movies; all of his gialli and horror, but have never really ventured out into any of his movies outside those genre's. I've been meaning to, though, so this is definitely helpful.
  • Shock has grown a lot on me, there's not a lot of overt horror in there, but the "modern" surrealism/magical realism is quite original and Daria gives a killer performance. Baron Blood has a rather unoriginal story, but the set and style color scenes to burn! Love 5 Dolls - i still can't understand the plot but it jumps so fast and entertaining ....and yeah again style, style.....Bava and Sejun Suzuki are 2 of the greatest visual stylists in history.
  • Compliments on the listing, which could have 7 different rankings - but the love shows! You might like / or already do like the work of Forzani-Cattet (which is ibt Bava 2.0 mixed with Von Trier post modern formalism)
  • Yeah, "Blood and Black Lace"'s original Italian title translates to "6 Women for the Killer". It's a testament to how good the movie is that when it came out, despite people knowing how many people died* and the trailer for the movie even shows the order in which the characters die, but viewers didn't care because the film was still so entertaining. *technically more if you include the killers (been a while since I saw this, I can't remember if they both die or just the woman)
  • It's weird that the Friday the 13th movies copied A Bay of Blood more than a decade later, yet the kills are both gorier and done with better effects in A Bay of Blood
  • There is a version of Venere d'ille on YT. It has no subs, though. It's not one of his best by a long shot, but still interesting, as I understand some Italian. But there is a Blu ray forthcoming, (I kno Severin site has th entire series on their "webstore exclusive" disc, but there will be another way to get that soon)... details are a few months away, but I have a confirmed source. Usually, any of their Severin exclusive site only BS comes out cheaper on Amazon a few months later. They did same thing with Libido last year, and made it sound like limited edition. It then came out on Amazon just this past Nov for 14.99, so it will be available soon. I will try to find th Bava show link for you..
  • Update: sorry it seems th channel I had subbed for that Bava show link has been removed..😑 I will try to find again
  • Why do you recommend not watching the MST3K version of Danger: DIabolik?
  • Gotta love Four times That Night....and thankfully not politically correct.....very imaginative, absurdism, a beautiful lady or 2.
  • @jhberg17
    Tarantino said Rabid Dogs was an influence on Reservoir Dogs.