Abusive devs & mental trauma - the tragedy of Chivalry 2


コメント (21)
  • @Liniyka
    The original vid was going way overboard, as many of you have highlighted, so I decided to change a few things towards the end of the video. It's not their fault for what happened, but their cruelty sure as hell didn't help. Either way, RIP Soter Dave, you will be missed.
  • wait Soter Dave died?!?!?!??!?! Holy fucking shit. I missed this news. Gutted man. He was a great dude. Had the privilege of playing with him a lot.
  • Found a fun little review on Steam- "Stubborness, Selfishness, Narcissism, and pettiness are things you would find in edgy 13 year old child , but apparently these qualities infest the Torn Banner dev studio. Their toxicity and blatant nepotism in the situation led to a good guy killing himself. I never knew him, I never got to the chance to meet him and now I don't think I'll ever get that Pleasure. Dave Soter was their saving grace, one of the few Content creators that didn't actively kiss the studios behind and called them out on their mistakes. He was never unfair about it either. His april fools joke of showing how easy it is to hack in this game, probably because he wanted something done about it and he wasn't actually turning to cheating, inevitably led to a perma-ban with no communication or discussion about it from the devs. He lost a lot of revenue because he couldn't make content, he actively tried to work something out but to no avail, the toxic children in Torn Banner got the final say. Upon his mental decline and his inability to care for himself, he took his own life. I want Torn Banner devs to read this, I want this to be a constant reminder of the damage your lazy and petty ethics has done to your most valued member of this community. I hope that some day when this studio shuts down and you are all on the streets begging for scraps by passers-by that you remember how you made Dave feel, and I hope you weep."
  • They didn’t know that he was gonna kill himself. There’s definitely some other thing that happened behind the scenes that made him do this also depression.
  • @ExaltedKoko
    Y'know, it's always mind--boggling to me how cruel and heartless a group of people could be.
  • @Scribit339
    R.I.P Dave may you find your peace in heaven that you could not find on earth.
  • @captaincs8440
    Its crazy i got banned for saying that they should add a memorial in game, and i am not the only one. They literally censored everything on the discord. Also there's some rage baiter like mrweenie and swan that are trying to profit his death for views or idk. And the saddest is that dave's mom saw these videos...
  • @dviper2093
    I don't get how people didn't see this coming. They were like this with the first game as well as Deadliest Warrior.
  • I appreciate you taking a look at your own actions and criticizing them.
  • @eqou
    Should generally make a video about chivalry 2's downfall.
  • @Numbskulli
    Thanks for the reupload, was in the middle of watching and i was confused. I feel terrible for Soter Dave and his family, and i can say with certainty i am never playing this game again. I would hope some large content creators pick this up. This situation is awful.
  • AAA studios and publishers don't even care about their own employees, why should we expect them to care about their consumers. As long as the profit margins are up, nothing else matters.
  • @lisaloki
    Commented on the original because I hugely disagreed with how it was presented, for obvious reasons. Respect for editing/reuploading it. That said, still a little iffy on the reupload. The whole "It could have been the thing that pushed him over the edge" just feels so needless, because if it's true that him being banned pushed him over the edge, then there are a million different things that also could have (and likely WOULD have) done that too. Not the mention, the "when games kill" title is still implying Torn Banner is to blame for his death. Just feels like it's being less overt than the original video. imo, there is no good way to make a video tying in Dave's suicide with Torn Banner's treatment of him. It just makes it look like you're trying to use his death to push an agenda (an agenda I totally agree with.)
  • I literally reinstalled the game thanks to Soter Dave's guides, can't believe these scumbags didn't even apologize for that ban and then tried to save face with a tonedeaf reddit post. I thought nothing could make me reinstall Mordhau but this + the demonhorde mode just did.
  • @xIRODRiiGO
    This needs to be brought to a bigger audience , I’ve spoke to one of Asmongolds mods about this and he will bring it to him to delve into live on stream at some point.
  • @Mr_Chunk
    I remember first stumbling upon the original video and hearing literally one word before the video was privated. Fortunately, I remembered this in the middle of the night and had to dig it back up.
  • @DrCups113
    Chivalry and Mordhau. Cruel rude devs that won't listen to their community and feel like they know better than everyone else because of their huge egos for games that maybe peaked at 50k players on release. Cut from the same cloth in more ways then one...
  • Lmao i just got done watching the original right before it was deleted, i wonder how different this one will be?