10 Life Hacks for Create Mod


コメント (21)
  • @randx1075
    btw...you can connect a tree with another tree and all of them will break together(as long as they are connected by 1 log
  • I'm not sure if people just don't know this, but you can use the clipboard in the schematic canon for a list as well. This will allow for manually checking off all the items you have and it also shows an image of the item you're looking for
  • casings on large cogs remove one shaft side... this changes everything that's a really clever use for item vaults
  • If you hold left control while making a schematic you can make a node in the air without using any blocks, works well with larger more spread out builds.
  • @iKanj
    Not a create tip, but if you also have the "Time in a Bottle" mod, you can insta-build schematics using the schematicannon and using the time bottle on the cannon. This is esp nice for particularly large schematics.
  • @heartless4931
    Cool tip if your into building armour stand stuff: Because schematics copy NBT data you can pose an armour stand in a creative world and paste it in a survival/server world with the pose.
  • You can also feed schematics to deployers, and they'll put just that block if they're within reach of the space where that block needs to go. Since they don't get used up, it's pretty handy for making train tunnels. It does mean you'd need quite a lot of them for larger builds, but it lets you do things like stagger your lights and use more than one kind of block in a line.
  • Please make more of those kinds of videos. There are never too many good concise Create tutorials!
  • Just got into the SteamPunk mod pack and I had NO IDEA Create was so powerful. Thanks for all of these tips and tricks, I'm having a blast playing Minecraft again after so many years.
  • 3:24 A little cheaper way to get crushing wheels set up correctly is with large cogwheels. One behind each, the wheels will work perfectly. Slightly cheaper on resources, especially in the beginning.
  • - When building moving contraptions or trains, you don't have to glue things like torches, signs, redstone, harvesters, etc. If the block they're attached to becomes a contraption, they'll come along for the ride. - When building farms, you don't have to attach the harvesters to a block. You can remove the block you placed them on and just glue the harvesters to your chassis. I love doing this because it only breaks half as many crops if I ever have to turn it back into blocks. - If your glue is saying "Glued blocks must be connected," just replace them with solid blocks, glue them, and then put them back the way they were. The glue doesn't care if the blocks are attached once it's been placed. - If a water wheel or large cog won't let you place it because another wheel or cog is too close, you can force them together with a mechanical piston or schematicannon. This is great for making compact water wheel arrays and machines. - You can use drains as a powerless replacement for a belt, as long as you don't need any presses, deployers, or fans to process the items going across them. - Foxy No Tail figured this one out. You'll like this. Belts kill your framerate in large quantities, so replace them with chain drives wherever possible. - And a train-specific one: You can make locomotives with more than 2 bogeys if you only glue the middle 2 bogeys to the main body. Just let the front and back bogeys float around.
  • These videos you're making about Create life hacks are very helpful. I especially love that you describe them so quickly, to the point, and cheerfully while also including the important things we need to understand, all with fun music in the background. It makes it a lot easier for my ADHD brain to focus, and hopefully remember, and makes me feel motivated and capable of mastering these basics.
  • You can use the clipboard in the Schematicannon instead of the book to display the items you need in a much fancier way.
  • Another fun tip with the schematicannon is you can use it to till farmland. You make a schematic in another world of whatever general shape of farmland you want/need and then use the schematic in your main world. All you gotta do is give it the dirt and it'll place it as farmland
  • @213fenix
    the drawback to the sail method for farms is at least to some feels an ineficient use of space when you can just hook a sideways water wheel beneath it to give all the force it needs and works for tree farms too
  • @ComradeCorvus
    I had been on a break from minecraft for a while, and forgot how to do a lot of stuff with this mod. Your videos have been a massive help to refresh my memory!
    You can also, with schematics, scroll while facing the side you want to bring closer or further from the set location before setting it. This works with any side. Also, schematics work without schematicannons by holding it in your inventory, so save yourself some gunpowder if you think you can do it faster.
  • @MantisMaestro
    I can't believe I didn't think of doing that looped vault idea before, thanks!
  • Loved the episode started using create recently and I love watching ur vids for info.
  • @HongKongZ
    I thought this would be clickbait but this is actually very helpful!