Morgellons Disease: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Published 2023-09-19
Lyme Mexico’s Treating Physician, Dr. Omar Morales, explains why Morgellons disease is more common than you think . . .

Morgellons, a perplexing and contentious medical condition, manifests with a bewildering array of symptoms. Individuals affected by this enigmatic ailment often describe disturbing sensations of crawling or itching beneath their skin, alongside the emergence of peculiar colored fibers or particles from skin lesions.

Diagnosing Morgellons primarily relies on a thorough clinical evaluation and the exclusion of other known conditions that could mimic its symptoms. What is unmistakable, however, is the significant distress and negative impact on the quality of life reported by those afflicted.


El Médico Tratante de Lyme México, Dr. Omar Morales, explica por qué la enfermedad de Morgellons es más común de lo que crees. . .

Morgellons, una condición médica desconcertante y polémica, se manifiesta con una desconcertante variedad de síntomas. Las personas afectadas por esta enigmática dolencia a menudo describen sensaciones perturbadoras de hormigueo o picazón debajo de la piel, junto con la aparición de fibras o partículas de colores peculiares de las lesiones cutáneas.

El diagnóstico de Morgellons se basa principalmente en una evaluación clínica exhaustiva y la exclusión de otras afecciones conocidas que podrían imitar sus síntomas. Lo que es inequívoco, sin embargo, es la angustia significativa y el impacto negativo en la calidad de vida que reportan los afectados.

All Comments (21)
  • @marial3231
    Wow what’s happening that a doctor is actually talking about this ❤❤❤ hero
  • @kristinb223
    Thank you so much for Posting this video. There are so many people suffering alone, being ridiculed and made fun of, disbelieved and pushed away and it’s really scary and lonely to go through without support, proper attention, nor medical or information available. Thank you.
  • Nice to see morgellons patients getting the attention they need. Its truly one of the worst diseases out there
  • I am literally going to die if this continues. It started out with microscopic lesions on my 4th left toe 2 years ago. I was diagnosed with delusional parasitosis by my primary care physician without him ever looking at my foot. I've been to every ER little rock and Hot springs for 2years and no one has ever looked at my skin. Now, it is all over my body, in my ears, nose, throat and mouth. My eyes are also affected. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed some parasites in my stool. I went to the ER at Baptist Medical center in Little Rock, Arkansas. No one obtained a stool sample or looked at it, yet they obtained blood and urine samples. I was discharged after the doctor said all my labs were normal. I said..."no one looked at the stool." They discharged me. When I got home, I read the discharge summary... Substance Abuse Disorder. I showed up with a chief complaint of organisms in my stool and received a diagnosis of Substance Abuse Disorder. I that even legal what happened? Please help me somebody!!!
  • @heatherbeane8673
    I have been dealing with this for 6 months. Hospital told me I was psychotic and delusional. My family doesn’t believe me. I’m thinking it’s a mixture of bacterial, fungal, and parasitic pathogens. I’m a nurse and have never seen anything like this in 20 years! I need help.
  • I wish Dr Morales could train a few professionals in France as the language barrier is very important here for the patients!
  • @InsideSalesDiva
    I’ve had it for 3 years now and my Mom has had it for 20 years and it is destroying my life as well. I’ve watched it destroy he for years. The scars it is causing make me cry often, I have learned how to make them not so bad. My Mom tells people she was in a bad car accident when they haven’t seen her for years. It took her beautiful face and ruined her. It’s doing the same to me now. But the Walmart brand of orajel will numb the sores, and I use a pore vacuum to suck the creatures out. It’s very bloody and painful when the plug comes out but what comes out after this is a horribly screwed up creature…. Like al different shapes and forms and it actually will tread water.its like an octopus shape shifting. Doctors called it dissecting to me and self mutating to my mom. It doesn’t leave as big of a scar if you suck them out. I don’t even know how to explain it. I don’t think any doctors have even gone as far as I/we have to get these things out of our body. But this is so much deeper than just the skin. I spray bleach all of my body while I’m in the shower so the itch and fuzz coming out of my skin isn’t so bad when I get out of the shower. I don’t know if it destroys everybody else’s clothes like it has mine. That’s a whole other subject that comes with this… I will probably get cancer from spaying Hot Shot Flying Insect spray on my skin but it relieves the itch. The Raid brand doesn’t work as well. I know it sounds crazy… I soak my hands in warm bleach water and it helps with what comes out of the fingers. I scrub my hands and fingers with a tooth brush in the bleach water and clean around my cuticles with tweezers and critical nippers. After about a half hour of this the water in the sink looks like I cleaned the lint trap in the dryer over the sink. I can’t touch most material without it sticking to my fingers. I hate it!! This disease will ruin a new pair of socks in a day. Look at the bottom of your feet after you’ve taken off your shoes and socks when you’ve only had them on for a couple hours and what is coming out of the bottom of your feet and between your toes is devastating. The doctor told me it was just skin… I promise it’s not. I have two sweater shavers to try and save my socks and the rest of my clothing/bedding and other material items. It was so hard for me to tell the doctors what was going on because I have seen what my mother has gone through. And they pretty much told me I was crazy and to find a support group and diagnosed me with high anxiety. I’m sorry to everybody out there in the cruel world that is going through this as well. I ask myself everyday what did I do so wrong in this life to deserve this. I don’t think I would even wish this on my worst enemy. I’d give anything just to have my life back and not have this anymore. I feel like I’m going crazy… I haven’t had a job that can hold down because of this.i was branch manager for the company I worked at for 14 years and I had a very technical job where I had to used my mind and I couldn’t remember or keep on track anymore, I couldn’t face people and this was a customer service environment. I just want my life back 😢 I hope the US will catch on to this amazing doctor and listen to him. So many of us need this to happen. I don’t know where to turn anymore. Good Luck to everyone suffering and to their families that have to watch the suffering!
  • We live in PA my daughter and son in law are suffering terribly with this .. I can understand how exhausting dealing with this as it is life consuming and there are no Drs here that will even entertain this illness. The things I have seen as a witness to this are unbelievable. They are trying to raise a family and this has devastated them . I wish we had some sort of network of Drs that agree that these poor patience are not delusional that this is real..very real.. my heart breaks for all suffering
  • @mbp8144
    Sounds great but how does this help those that can’t get to Mexico?
  • @laciederr6354
    I have morgellans, im almost 100% sure, and have for a long time. I live in Pa and im literally dying out at least feel like it. No one will help me and this is my second year with it. My poor son lost his mom. I have no one, my family thinks I'm nuts and I tried to unalive myself. I'm just so lost and idh anything left to give. I wish you were a Dr in my area...
  • OMG AT LAST! This stuff is killing me or it's going to! I just know it is. I can feel and see (for now) what it's doing. Both of the testimonils could be my own. I have been sick for years with so many serious health issues. The ones I have continue to worsen. I sick with both worry and exhaustion and so many other things this condition has caused. And still I'm not getting treated properly. I'm in London/England. I have got to find help and I could just cry with relief and from validation by listening to this. Now I need to see if I can get anyone to view this video! I am so tired of fighting. I'm so tired. I pray I can find help. If I had the means to go to Mexico for the treatment I would. However that option is within someone else's means, but not mine I'm afraid. There must be others over here that should know this. I've got to find them!
  • I've been suffering with morgellons for $834 days it began in my eyes and I have found very little information about morgellons in the eyes and it's been pure torture I always believed that if they wanted to torture prisoners of wars that's how they should do is just put these things in their eyes. I was so glad to hear that somebody else has been tortured in their eyes as well because I have been labeled a drug addict by my whole entire family, by friends, and recently I just became homeless because my sister was talking to my landlord about me "dealing" drugs. I've never sold a drug in my life and I haven't touched a hard drug in over 20 years. I've lost absolutely everything and I've hit the lowest point in my entire life because of this disease not because of drugs not because of anything that I did to myself it just happened I am writing a book - hat will start as a blog, in January. I've never been so alone, if you'd be interested,
  • @sarahshaw3385
    Thank you for being interested in this. Many doctors have turned away from this and it is so amazing to see finally some attention from professionals. We need it so so much. You are truly appreciated sir. I’d be happy to offer a patients perspective from the Northeastern part of the U.S. should you ever be interested.
  • @user-hf3of7lj4t
    I had every symptom BUT it was demodex. I drink neem tea and wash body with tea tree oil. And have rid myself 1000%
  • @jessalyn4672
    You still can't say Morgellons to drs..they will eye roll you.
  • @lindaj1957
    I've been suffering with this for almost 24 years and no help. Believe me, I've tried.
  • @hopeseeker2023
    Medical community is threatened if they treat this stuff.
  • @NormaJeanWhite
    My entire life (55 yrs).. I don't know anything else but fighting this monster. I didnt know what it was called untill my adult years and research on my own. It is most definitely alive. However I contemplate the possibility of that life being nanotechnology utilizing my biological resources to create its own infrastructure within my biological infrastructure. Im not sure how I feel about the teaming up of you and the nanotechnology industry 🤔 are they saying they are helping when really they are monitoring and reporting and possibly just making sure you don't get too far? Controlled opposition is so common nowadays. I don't know who to trust. And now with MAID in Canada extended to mental illness, and this disease more times then not, labled as such, makes me wonder if its all a set up to exterminate those who try to rid themselves from this monster. There has to be a reason they dont want to recognize it as what it is.. I think its possibly because they are the cause behind it, Are we a big Transhumanism AI experiment?, 🤔🤨 and they don't want that discovered? 🤔 So frustrating...
  • @sheilatatangelo
    Please continue to do more videos on Morgellons disease. I have suffered from this disease since 2014 and it has taken my family and friends and so much more from me yet it has made me realize a strength in myself I never knew I had. God Bless.