Medical Gaslighting: My Colon Cancer Symptoms Were Ignored! Amanda’s Story | The Patient Story

Published 2023-05-17
Amanda started getting light IBS symptoms and a month later, started seeing blood in her stool. She immediately asked doctors if it could be colon cancer. But doctors told her, "there's no way that would be colon cancer" and thought it was hemorrhoids or a fissure. Her symptoms then worsened and persisted for almost a year before she finally got a colonoscopy. She was then diagnosed with stage 2A colon cancer.

In this conversation, she talks about the frustration of not feeling listened to and taken seriously, how important it is to fight for answers and advocate for yourself, and why you should be on top of your health care.


Full story & transcript →…

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Contents of Video:
00:00 Introduction
00:32 My first symptoms
04:58 Possibility of colon cancer
08:40 Getting testing done
10:08 Appointment with gastroenterologist
12:11 Getting a colonoscopy
13:36 Finding a large tumor
15:54 Getting the diagnosis
20:01 Going through chemo
27:35 Words of advice

#coloncancer #cancerawareness #symptomsofcancer #cancerscreening #colorectalcancer #cancerprevention #cancersymptoms #cancertreatment #cancerresearch #coloncancersurvivor #thepatientstory #cancerstories #cancer

All Comments (21)
  • @kambam1851
    Something the medical industry needs to stop is saying “your so young” and then not testing further
  • @ariellephan
    The current diagnosis benchmark is outrageously high. Do we need to be at stage 4 and near death to be able to be taken seriously? Great job Amanda for persisting to fight your battle while no one was listening.
  • @Rodmic-hd9pn
    As an ER nurse these stories to me are horrifying. I’m sad that these women were all blown off. Always advocate for yourself.❤
  • I had problems like you. I went to the ER and he told me it was hemroids. I told him I wasn't leaving the hospital until he did something. He gave me a referral for a Colonoscopy and I had a large mass. It was only stage 1 cancer and Im glad I stood up to that doctor.
  • @MsINSANE2
    I had NO symptoms at all, and I was mid 50's. At my annual checkup my Dr. thought she detected a trace of blood and suggested that I should have a colonoscopy without telling me that. I resisted and she was really pushy about it and I finally asked her why she was being so insistent. She then told me about the blood and that it could be cancer. I got the colonoscopy, and I had rectal cancer. Large tumor. fortunately for me it was a squamous cell carcinoma, and I did not have to have surgery but did chemo and radiation. It was SOOO bad. I literally almost died from the treatment. But here I am almost 15 years to the day from my last radiation treatment and still cancer free.
  • @amandablanco8725
    This happened to my best friend. Doctors kept dismissing her symptoms and finally by the time it was detected it was stage 4 colon. It had already spread to her liver and lungs. She unfortunately passed away in 2022 leaving two small children 😔 Shame on all the doctors who don’t listen and care for their patients.
  • This is EXACTLY my story!! So scared. I have a Colonoscopy coming up next week. Pray for me 🙏🏻
  • My husband had similar symptoms at 56. He ended up in the ER, dehydrated and major amounts blood in his stool. The Doctor told him he had Salmonella and sent him on his way. Thankfully the nurse told us on the side to go get a colonoscopy, she'd never seen bloody stool like that before. Took 3 months to get one scheduled. He had Stage 3B Colon Cancer. Half his colon was removed, 7 months of chemo, stint in the ICU, etc., etc. 7 years later, he's still here, thankfully healthy. It was a rough road. In our experience, the nurses all made better doctors than the actual doctors. Always fight for what is right!
  • @angeliki_55
    I was a cancer nurse for 4 years half of my patients were either misdiagnosed or ignored by their physicians. Please don’t let others tell you how you feel and always insist. Hope everything goes well!
  • @hollie1352
    I just lost my 27 year old healthy daughter to stage 4 colon cancer. Your a brave young lady hang in there.
  • @RJones-tn5vg
    A 29 year old doesn't ask for a colonoscopy for fun. Insurance companies are awful.
  • My son was 33 when he was finally diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer. The doc said he was too young for insurance to pay for a colonoscopy. He's still alive, fighting for 10 years.
  • @Melycast3
    I was 37 when I had my very first colonoscopy. Had some blood in my stool. My gastro immediately requested a colonoscopy. He told me "I have a 25 year old patient that was just diagnosed with cancer. There is no age too young to get it." I am so glad he did. Colonoscopy came back normal, thank God.
  • @ModernResilience
    The fact that you need a primary care doctor to refer you to a specialist is so maddening.
  • I’m dealing with getting my own diagnosis and it is astonishing how difficult it is to be taken seriously by doctors. It shouldn’t be this hard. We, patients, deserve better
  • This is what happened to me when I was 30. 2 doctors told me that is likely hemorrhoids or a fisher. I was in between houses and living at my parents and away from my regular doctor. I ended up going back to my family doctor and he sent me for a barium enema test. He told me later he listened to my symptoms, not race or age. He saved me, within 3 weeks I had a sigmoid resection, it was caught early and did not have chemo or radiation. This was in 1994, I just turned 60. Sending you lots of love and prayers.🤗
  • @vanessarivas3733
    To all doctors who DO ACTUALLY CARE, take time to listen, have empathy, and true care and love for the work… THANK YOU!!! ❤️