When Things Seem Impossible | Timeless Truths – Dr. Charles Stanley

Published 2021-04-24
Why is the Bible such a treasure for believers? Why is it that Christians cling to it with such faith and fervor? You would be right if you said it is because the Bible is God's revelation about Himself and the way He interacts with people. However, believers also love God's Word because it is a handbook for living and it gives us hope.

When Things Seem Impossible. In this inspiring message, Dr. Stanley explains how clinging to Scripture and seeking God through His Word can help you in your most difficult trials. Just as He has helped others overcome impossible odds throughout history, He can help you as well.

Remember that God is still in control – no matter how overwhelming or impossible the challenges may seem. Place your trust fully in Him and you will have confidence and peace during every storm you face.

This message is part of the series "Unshakable Faith in Uncertain Times".

For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week's broadcast, go to www.intouch.org/watch

All Comments (21)
  • @Veronica705
    Nothing is impossible with God. Some years ago, I fractured my spine and lay in bed for seven months, unable to walk. One day I prayed to God and asked Him to let Jesus heal my back. Suddenly, I felt a warm healing touch on my back that lasted about two and a half minutes. Then I swung my legs out of that bed, drressed myself, walked four flights of stairs out of the building and walked into town, and I can still walk. Last year, my right retina started haemorrhaging and I went almost completely blind in my right eye. It was terrifying. I lay face down on the floor of my room and said; "God, I can do nothing about this, so I'm handing it all over to you." Today, my blindness is healed and I can see. Thank You Jesus. Thank You God. Thank You dear Holy Spirit. God is all-powerful and everliving. If you really really trust in Him, and ask Him for His help, He will save you.❤
  • @bubblegumpop88
    I’m currently going through a time where i feel defeated. I want change for my life but i feel stuck and I’m tired of worrying. I’m giving it all to God today!!! I’m coming back to tell my testimony!!! I know He’s faithful!!!
  • @chelsey4931
    Please pray for me facing financial difficulty
  • If you're reading this;May God remove all your pains, sadness, worries, problems, difficulties & anxieties & replace them with Happiness, Healthy, Peace, Love & Blessings in Jesus Matchless Name. Amen
  • If you rearrange the Letters in "Depression "you get "I Pressed on "Don't ever give up. Your breakthrough is almost here.
  • @LDougan30
    Not “what am I going to do?” But instead ask “God, what are You going to do?” Amen 🙏
  • God i surrender my entire life to you. Heal my breast cancer as soon as possible. And thank you for healing me!!
  • My situation seems impossible but I know God Can do it! Please keep me in your prayers
  • @sharme7496
    I am so glad you are giving the dates of his sermons and still posting them. God uses him still today. This is where technology is used in a beneficial way for God and His people. 😊
  • @tracyk3001
    So thankful for all his sermons. As a young mom and wife, I would listen to him, before going to church. I always wanted to meet him, and attend his church. Me, in NC. Years later… One day, my hubby’s job relocated us to Buford GA.. there was no question where I attended church! 20 mins away… First Baptist Atlanta … I ended up meeting Dr . Charles Stanley probably about 3 times. The congregation at the church was amazing! I felt more home there than any small church 😮 I have ever attended. ❤ Dr. Charles Stanley was an amazing teacher of the Bible.
  • "Don't ever underestimate what God can do in your life when you surrender all you are and all you have to Him." - Dr. Charles Stanley
  • @johnmagee3292
    I’ve gone two straight months with 3-4 hours a night of sleep. My body is physically exhausted. Please keep me in your prayers for complete healing and restoration
  • @angeleyesda1481
    Lord I surrender my life to you. You fight this cancer battle lord for I am yours and leave it all in your hands in Jesus name Amen 🙏
  • @cjdevera
    This sermon deserves a billion views😊
  • Yes for 60 years prayed that someday I could see without glasses. Today I can see without glasses thanks to Lazer eye surgery. I had Angle Closure Glaucoma!
  • @geoff6242
    These messages from Charles are solid meat from Gods word. As a believer for over 38 years, I qualify to say "this is good teaching". Amen!
  • @Tracy_Kagaya
    God doesn't expect us to have it all figured out but to put our trust in Him. ✔️
  • Every Soul reading this; GOD will visit you newly & do Something spectacular that history will not be able to wipe out. In Jesus Precious Name. Amen