Everything GREAT About Dune: Part Two! (part 1)

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Dune Part Dos! er Two! It's really just number 2, but I'm good with parts. It just sorta messes me up when I have to split this huge movies up into different video parts, but oh well! Here's everything right with Dune Part Two!

EGA Dune Part 2 (part 2) on NEBULA! nebula.tv/videos/cinemawins-everything-great-about…

Watch my reaction to my own EGA Deadpool! nebula.tv/videos/cinemawins-egaega-deadpool-cinema…

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コメント (21)
  • They don't show it in the movie, but Fremen Stietches have factories in them where they manufacture Stillsuits, Thumpers, and all the other equipment they utilize. They're not a primitive people, they have advanced technology just like the rest of the universe.
  • Very happy they used Princess Irulan to narrate the opening via her diary entries. In the books she is an important historian who documented the history of Muad’dib. Snippets from her writings were used as openings for chapters.
  • @BatAmerica
    I love how the henchmen of the opening immediately shoot the thumper. It immediately establishes them as competent and illustrates a harsh truth. The most dangerous enemy is one who learns from their mistakes.
  • The gradual realization on the part of people who haven’t read the books that Paul’s victory might not be a good thing is so much fun to see.
  • Herbert wrote Paul's story as a cautionary tale on against surrendering to charismatic leaders. Villeneuve tried to make that clearer.
  • @RedHeadKevin
    Feyd licks the knife because he knows it's not poisoned. Traditionally, the small white knife was poisoned, and the big black knife was clean. It was switched up for his special birthday. (The movie left out that Thufir was the one who set up this fight with the undrugged gladiator and the switched knives.)
  • Possibly safe to say that Dune is this generation's Lord of the Rings.
  • 16:29 Those aren't really bodyguards. Those are Picadors, a type of bullfighter whose purpose was to poke at the bull with spears in order to anger them and get them to charge. Paul's Grandfather hunted bulls for sport. Even with Leto dead, the Harkonnen's will stop at nothing to humiliate the Atreides. Those "phyrexian" looking crescent helmets even look like bull horns.
  • When Jessica took the Water of Life, her fetus became completely aware. You can see her possess Jessica from time to time. Alia will be born with all the knowledge and power of a full Reverend Mother.
  • @BatAmerica
    How refreshing is it to see a mainstream blockbuster use such great visual storytelling? In a lesser film, the characters would voice how accustomed Paul is to the sands of Arakis or how different he's acting after drinking the water of life. Instead, Dune Part 2 uses a more subtle shift to gray tones, pale skin, and darker blue eyes to show his difference. The audience gets the same information without the storytelling holding the viewer's hand.
  • @vsf_dave811
    Watching the scene where Paul harnesses the sand worm in IMAX is probably the most intense, jaw dropping theater experience I’ve ever been a part of. That scene was otherworldly and there were like 10 more in this movie I felt the same way about. Absolute masterpiece from Denis, as per usual!
  • @haha_Toast
    The weird colors on Giedi Prime are because they shot the scenes in Infrared; that's why Bene Geserit's robes go white, they're cold and not giving off much light
  • @waks2001
    i think another part that helps improve the fear mua'dib installs in rauban, is the part where the fremens tactics are "exit the dust, stab the leg, kill the man, enter dust". meanwhile you have mua'dib who desnt use this strategy, he simply aproaches you, with the confidence that he does not need the hit and run strategy of the rest. along the chanting and the legend, this realy solidifies that he is a figure to be feared
  • Paul riding The Great Sandworm was so badass. You never forget your first.
  • 2:17 When a laser gets in contact with a shield, it explodes in a nuclear blast. The worms are the LEAST of their concerns here lol
  • @Morfe02
    16:19 Feyd winks at the slave after he attack, plus the slave is a character of the first movie not just a random AND PLUS HE HAS THE ATREIDES SYMBOL IN THE ARM LIKE THE BOOK brooooo put this in the part 3
  • 6:35 I was starting to worry that you wouldn't mention Life of Brian, but you did not disappoint
  • @MattSipka
    Part of the reason the harkonnen said “No Shields” while they’re being shot at is because they are also being targeted by laser rifles. It’s not mentioned in the films but in dune lore, a laser hitting a shield will create a chain reaction. (Atomic explosion) So if any of them had shields on and got hit by a laser, they’d all be dead.
  • The score used to introduce Feyd-Rautha is UNBELIEVABLE. Also, the Atreides he fights is played by Roger Yuan, the fight coordinator who trained Austin Butler for the movie. So good.