Dean Martin - The Tracks of My Tears


コメント (13)
  • I've been a fan since childhood but Ive never heard this version. Love it. I love Dino more than anybody or anything. Thats the truth.
  • ..with alls the famed and fortunes, but such a lonely man. Loved the man and his music.
  • So reminiscent of what Dean used to do on his variety show -- try to sing the "hits of the day" to stay relevant/current and appeal to a wider audience. Frank did it on his records, too (recording songs by Stevie Wonder, et al). Give the guys an A for effort. It wasn't their bag, man....we knew it and they knew it....but they were under pressure from their record and TV producers, no doubt, to get hip or get out.
  • I love Dean's singing. This isn't his style. He sounds strained. Usually he sounds at ease, simple comfort of singing show tunes, or Italian songs. This is not his thing. Just my opinion.
  • This doesn't fit him at all. It shows a strain in his voice as if he really didn't want to record it at all. Just my opinion.