Follow up of the 14 year unopened top bar hive and consolidation of untended hives.

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It's been more than a month now since Charlie and I transferred the bees from the top bar hive into a Lang, and I was very much interested in finding out how they are doing. So, we went to Margaret's place and did an investigation. However, while we were there, we also checked out the 3 other hives that had been taken from the property as well. I hope you enjoy watching what we discovered. Thanks for watching. God's peace to all.
Mr. Ed

コメント (21)
  • Those top-bar bees are fantastic. 14 years with zero human intervention, and they're still healthy, hygienic, productive, and docile. That's some great genetics going into the apiary. 🙂
  • @garyRt23Bees
    I leave the bands in. The gals will attach all that comb then they will remove the bands and haul them out the front of the hive. By then the combs are well attached to the frames. It is amazing how strong they are. I have seen a single bee take flight with a broken band she pulled out of the hive. I am sure that band outweighs her by a long shot!
  • Jeff, y'all made my day talking about and bee rustling into a new hive sort of. It is kind of sad seeing dead outs and what is remaining. But 14 years being not tended, I guess you expect that. Well, thanks, Margaret, for saving these bees and with help from Jeff and Goodtime Charlie and your own brute strength with Prince Larry moving three of these monster tall hive boxes, there is hope for survival and new beginnings for these bees!😊And wear that bee suit!
  • JH, you are killing me throwing that wax on the ground! Nice video😜
  • The top bar hive is moving along well it seems, another couple weeks and game on! Thanks for sharing and God bless.
  • I see flowers where you’re at and we have 4-5 feet of snow. Our winter just started not long ago in east coast Canada 🇨🇦.
  • Happy to see the topbar girls doing so well. Praying that you have a nice early flow this year to make up for last years dearth. Looks I will be harvesting my Flowframes next week, less than a month after the last harvest! The Jarrah and Marri trees have outdone themselves this season and looks like they will still be flowering for another month at least. Probably will need to pull a few frames out of my Langstroth hive as well. Peace to you, Miss Mona and Charlie.
  • Scotts Grubex is now finally listed as effective against hive beetles. We have been using it for a couple years now in our bee yards and it has been a night and day difference. We used to pop a lid and see at least 10-15 hive beetles and often by mid summer there would be beetles everywhere. Now, I may see 1 or 2 beetles in an entire hive and usually not even that & I have not seen a bunch of bees engaged in coralling hive beetles inside the hive like I used to.
  • Oh I couldn't handle the cockroaches...I have a major phobia against them. Yuck! Now lizards are cool! Poor bees just needed you to come help them survive Jeff and friends. I just finished watching the older video of the top bar hive. Neat that I can do that and binge watch for a bit. So glad to see the bees are thriving at Princess Margaret's! Blessings~
  • Can't wait to see the buzzworthy update on the 14-year unopened hive! Consolidating those untended hives sounds like the beekeeper's version of spring cleaning.
  • Sorry to see Ms. Margaret getting stung! Those top-bar hive bees were the calmest and hope they multiply and fill some of those dead out hives with some great splits. Fun video. I really appreciate the banter between you, Ms. Margaret, and Good Time Charlie.
  • It hurts me to see all those supers still on hives in the winter when the bees have drawn way down. Perfect opportunity for wax moths. That one hive is why we always try to keep several deep frames of capped honey in the freezer. Quick honey boost for a hungry hive in late winter.
  • You made my day. You all are about 2 months ahead of us here in KC. It was 65 F on Wednesday and had light snow today. Looking forward to seeing more videos.
  • Just love your videos, I learn so much from them. So what you are saying is the bees didn't mind moving from their ranch house into a multistory lol. Thanks again look forward to the follow up.
  • @sheeara
    Just sending y’all a warm thank you from the coldest state in the nation.🤭I’ve been loving your channel and beeswax through so many seasons. Just wanted to thank you again. I’ve been watching in between getting through filmschool and was thinking of last time I wrote you. Excited to be done with my homework and liking your channel like we never skipped a bee.🤭I always appreciate the people I’ve learned from as I go. I’ve met so many exotic pet owners. It’s kinda fun to have seen you as the father of the bee’s and teaching us about your business. Thank you for for sharing so much kindness in the subtext. Back when the chickens were feeding on larvae I fell in love with what you do. I’m not sure I’d be a good owner but I thoroughly enjoy your show. I’ll be continuing to watch with my family. I always hope to shake your hand when I find my way to the South. For now, a dream, for my somedays. Wishing you all the best of health and hunting in the North. If you’re ever on tiktok you can see how I am. Either way, I’m just grateful to be here watching. So interesting and cool to me. Thank you for what you do and sharing the love of bees. ~Sheeara, Alaska
  • Hey Jeff, good bee management as usual. I'm in Denham Springs and wouldn't mind buying those 8 frame boxes if Princess Margaret is willing to make me a deal. She can probably buy a few supers with the proceeds. Let me know!
  • thanks for the update on the top bar hive, Jeff! Glad they are doing well, and when you do splits, some will come to the abbey. They look like good bees. Maybe Margaret can configure some of those 8 frame boxes for swarm traps. We've still got snow out here in eastern Oregon, enjoyed the camellias in your part of the world.
  • Another great video Mr. Ed. Love starting my Fridays with you and a cup of coffee. Good luck to Princess Margaret and her colonies. Thanks for sharing 🐝✌️🥰🌼🍯
  • Looks like a lot of fun, I liked the way you rubber band the comb in the top bar hive removal , going to start doing it that way. Thanks for posting.