Top 11 Tips to Pass the Architecture Registration Exam

Publicado 2020-08-27
(General study guide)
PPI ARE 5 Review Manual for the Architect Registration Exam
by Ballast and O'Hera

(for PPD and PDD)
Architectural Graphic Standards (I recommend the 9th or 10th editions)
10th edition
9th Edition

(for PPD and PDD)
Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods
"Mike Haduck Masonry"
   / @mikehaduck  
(check out for information on masonry for PDD and PPD)
After you pass your ARE's and become a licensed architect, then it may be time to start looking for a new job. When you need to work on your portfolio, get it reviewed, by Drew, at and get the job you have always wanted!
Drew Paul Bell (of gives the top 11 tips for passing the Architecture Registration Exam (A.R.E.)

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I just have to tell you that your video helped give me the courage to sign up for my first test back in May. I have now passed 3 tests. Thank you so much for making this video!
  • This is so helpful, thank you! Love the parts about being predatory towards the exams and feeling grateful to be able to study for them in the first place. :)
  • @dustinsmith800
    Thank you for this, I needed to see this. Let the games begin!
  • @Masseeee
    This was the simple pep talk that I needed to feel confident to pass. Thank you!
  • Thank you! Your video has been so helpful in motivating me to really get into studying for the ARE
  • you get it - happy i found this channel and likeminded mindset!
  • forget about the suggestions, his motivaiton is pumping my ass to run right now. Hats off.
  • @ei7936
    Great explanation and thought process.
  • @robertledet
    thanks for this video. I agree on afternoon exams. I'll definitley be checking out that masonry channel you recomended too.
  • @kristenlocke8214
    OMG!!! You just lit a fire under my A**!! I just failed PPD and I rescheduled it and PDD because I planned to take it next. They are right behind each other and I was doubting my decision, so I turned to YouTube for (I actually called a few people too) But you just gave me the motivation I needed. Now if I don't get a win out at least one of these exams, I’m bypassing complaining to NCARB and Coming for you!! lol but all jokes aside this video was great. Thanks, would love to see more like this!
  • Howdy Drew! I was in college for Architectural Engineering, my second major choice. I was not excepted into my school’s Architecture program. After two semesters I was ‘weeded out’ and changed my major to something else. I didn’t want to be an Engineer who focuses on the physics and math behind a design and I didn’t like that college was a system that constructs employees. I wanted to be a straight up architect, but my bad high school habits prohibited that. So now I am a dropout and entrepreneur, and I stared a design services company. As time went on I received a good amount of clients in need of floor plans. Now I’m working on a floor plan for a 2 million dollar house and this gets me thinking. I’ve been studying architecture ever since drafting 1-4 in high school and I’d consider myself as a cad wiz. For fun I will design architecture on Revit, AutoCAD architecture, and even in Minecraft. So I am no stranger to architectural design. I also watch a plethora of architecture videos on YouTube. My question to you is. . . As a self taught individual who knows how to learn, do you think it’s possible for a person without a degree in architecture to study hard, pass the ARE exam, continue my real world work and have a successful career as a professional Architect and possible founder of an architecture firm? Also what 5.0 division should I consider if I want to start a design firm?
  • @michaelsyip
    Hey Drew! Awesome video. I know you haven’t posted in awhile, but since this is the first video you’ve made since I started watching your channel, I just have a few words. I started watching your channel in the fall of my high school senior year as I was trying to figure out if I wanted to do Architecture or Civil Engineering. I ended up choosing architecture and have watched the helpful videos that you have created since you started 6 years ago. I just wanted to say thank you. These videos have helped me see what it is like in Architecture school, the insides and out, and how to survive. I just started my first year of architecture school and I’m looking forward to you making new content for the months to come! You’re one of my biggest inspirations at the moment and it drives me to work harder and put in more grind time for studio. Keep it up man!!
  • @linglingwan9424
    Thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate your predator approach to the exam. I just found out your channel yesterday, and watched some, really good.
  • Just failed PPD today and taking PDD next week. Totally agree with taking the exam sooner rather than later so you know how to adapt for the next round 🥊 Hope you're doing well buddy!